Selasa, 24 Juni 2014

Basic steroid cycle info for women

Important to remember, steroids BUILD muscle, and are not for fat loss purposes. If losing some extra pounds and toning up is your goal, then there are many products out there, geared to losing weight, besides the obvious of making a change in diet and your exercise routine.

Steroids should be considered when you have worked out for at least two years or more and are at your ideal body weight. Then any gains made by the steriod use, will be pure muscle, and your hard earned money will not be wasted.

A great beginner cycle for women is Anavar. Anavar is one of the mildest anabolics out there, with low androgenic activity. It is known to increase strength and add quality muscle. Any women fearing side effects should definitely stick to Anavar. At a low dose of 5 mg everyday, most women see no ill side effects. A typical cycle should run from 6-8 weeks.

Primobolan is another mild steroid. It does not convert into estrogen, which is a plus, if water retention is a worry for you. Most women respond well to a dosage of 50-100mg per week. A typical time frame to run this would be 8-10 weeks. Some side effects to watch out for include oily skin, acne and a possible increase in facial/body hair. Primobolan will give a slow, steady increase in strength and builds quality muscle.

Winstrol can be taken orally or be injected. Winstrol should not be used for a beginner�s cycle. Most women either love winny or they hate it. It is a favorable drug to be used in a cutting cycle, when your diet is good. Winstrol builds mass and gives awesome strength gains. Side effects can occur, and things to watch out for include deepening of voice, enlarged or sensitive clitoris, and acne. Women usually take 5-10mg daily. Keeping this dose low will decrease chances of unwanted side effects. It is usually wise to split the dose up during the day, to keep blood levels on an even base. With the injection, usually 25mg every 3rd or 4th day is a normal dosing. Run this cycle for 8 weeks. Remember to take milk thistle, because this steroid is stressful on the liver.

Deca is a popular steriod among female competitors. Even though it is only slightly androgenic, sometimes virilization can be expected. Keeping the doses low and monitoring for sides can nip these unwanted sides early. Sides will include excess facial/body hair; some women on the other hand report cases of losing hair. Once again, low dosing is key. Deca is not a fast builder of muscle, but slow, gradual gainer of muscle and strength. Women should start at around 50mg per week. If virilization is at all a concern, then possibly trying the shorter acting nadrolone Durabolin might be a option.

If you must dabble in testosterone, then Test Prop should be the choice; only because it is in and out of your system fast. So if any unwanted sides appeared, all that you need to do is stop using, and it will be cleared from your system fast. It�s good to spread the injections out, generally using 25mg to 50mg per injection, every 5 to 7 days. This cycle should exceed 8 weeks. Sides to look for include clitoral enlargement; excess facial/body hair; deepening of voice; oily skin; acne; and increase sexual libido (not a bad side, really ) It is very important to monitor your self closely while using test.

Women do not need to taper on their cycles of steroids; once the cycle is over, then just discontinue use (one good benefit of not having balls).

A lot of side effects brought on by anabolic steriod use is irreversible for women. Make sure you have researched and read personal testimonies before choosing your drug.
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Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

What are the Best Steroids for Women?

It may seem surprising but Anadrol (oxymetholone) is a good choice for women who wish to be conservative yet have very effective results.

Medically, you�d be astonished at the doses women and even girls have taken with very low virilization rates. So anyway, contrary to what intuition might suggest, Anadrol is not one of the riskier choices for women.

That aside, 15 mg/day of Anavar (oxandrolone) will be virilizing in quite a few cases. Probably about 5 mg/day of oxandrolone is comparable to 25 mg/day Anadrol (divided doses) for risk.

Primobolan up to 50 mg/week, divided injections, is a common and reasonable choice, but has some risk: not a particularly high rate though.

In the earlier parts of Denise Rutkowski�s career, he had her on 25 mg/day Anadrol. I ??? a secret, because he also published this. She obviously did very well with it and at that point she was not virilized at all.

The medical doses are pretty astonishing. The reason that 50 mg is the tablet size is because that�s the standard minimal medical dose, including for women and children! It used to be used extensively for improving red blood cell count.

You see some women developing hoarse voices and facial hair naturally with time, so there must be some women that are right on the edge. But generally speaking, this is a conservative dose, yet quite effective.

The mg amount that women can tolerate of Anadrol is markedly higher than any other anabolic steroid. However, that said, it�s also true that effect per mg is less, but not enough so to make up the safety difference IMO. I would put 25 mg/day Anadrol (in divided doses) up against 50 mg/week Primo any time for effectiveness and it�s at least equally conservative.

Another thing about Anadrol that�s remarkable is that other anabolic steroids are very easily disruptive of the menstrual cycle. Even dosages such as 2.5 mg oxandrolone 2x/day commonly raise issues. Anadrol however medically has shown often only moderate effect on the menstrual cycle at 50 mg/day, 25 mg/day only lightened and shortened the cycles slightly. Remarkably less disruptive.

As a rough rule of thumb: take a dosage that would be quite moderate for a man, nearly the minimum likely to be recommended that could still give reasonable results for a novice, then divide by 10 to have something that�s moderate but effective for a woman.

For each individual steroid, suggested mild-but-effective dosage range may differ from the above slightly, and of course the above also is only approximate because there will be diffferent opinions as to what would be moderate for a man. But if having nothing else to work with, if you see or are considering a dosage and want to do a quick �reality check,� the above can help. For example, say that someone is proposing EQ at 100 mg/week. Multiply by 10, and our comparison would be to 1000 mg/week of EQ for a man. That�s well above being a mild cycle. So we can see at a glance that this EQ dose is off, without having had to remember specific values for each steroid.

Returning to the stacks and in general to anabolic steroids other than Anadrol for women:

It couldn�t possibly be that some stacking method might give better ratio of muscle gain to side effects, but as to whether we know what that is, that�s another question entirely. The best understood uses are single-drug, and single-drug works fine. Primo or Anadrol are my top two choices for bodybuilding and fitness; oxandrolone is also acceptable but must be lower dosed than those two; for quality of life enhancement, very very low dose testosterone works fine.
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Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Steroid Hormone Powders for Female's Bodybuilding

Lots of people have very strong convictions against women using steroids. The most common misconceptions involve the strain of thought that steroids will turn a woman into a muscle-bound man with a vagina. Although this may be true in some cases, the fact remains that steroids could be very beneficial to women.

It is often believed that women on steroids have or will in-fact sacrifice all femininity but this is a dubious assumption. Many women on steroids build and maintain very beautiful physiques ripe with feminine appeal; those that do simply understand what to use and how to use it. For years some of the most beautiful fitness models from around the world have supplemented with such hormones.

With that in mind, the only question is which anabolic steroids can women take? Without question, the number one anabolic steroid for any woman is Oxandrolone; more commonly known by its most popular trade name Anavar. Anavar is the most female friendly steroid. Anavar is such a female friendly steroid, in most performance based circles it is informally referred to as �The Girl Steroid.� This steroid carries the lowest virilization rate of any anabolic steroid.

While Anavar should be any woman�s top choice, there are other steroids that can be solid options. Of such steroids, Primobolan Depot (methenolone enanthate) is the second most female friendly anabolic steroid. Oral Primobolan can be used, but as it is not a C17-aa oral steroid it is not recommended as most of it will be destroyed by the liver. At any rate, most women will find they tolerate 100mg of Primobolan Depot a week fairly well, but they must limit their use with 4 weeks of use generally being a safe time frame and 6 weeks being the max.

Then we have the Stanozolol hormone, more commonly known as Winstrol. This one is more or less a 50/50 shot; about half the women who supplement with it will tolerate it well, perhaps a little more than half will tolerate it well, but it falls below Anavar tremendously in-terms of toleration. If it can be tolerated, most women will find 10mg every other day to be all they need. Injectable and oral Winstrol are both fine.

Clomid can be used to stimulate ovulation. It works by blocking estrogen receptors at the hypothalamus, which is an important "hormonal control center" for the body. When this happens, the hypothalamus is stimulated to release follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). These are the naturally occurring ovarian stimulants, which prompt ovulation in a normal cycle.
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