Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

How Women's Fitness Differs From Men's

Women�s fitness differs from men's fitness like night differs from day. Therefore, achieving the fitness level desired requires a different approach. The main difference lies in the fact that men have an abundance of the male hormone testosterone, while women have an abundance of the female hormone estrogen.

Muscle Building

Men use weight training to put on muscle, but women can use weight training to tone and shape those muscles, add firmness and get tons of energy. Weight training for both men and women will help to develop a healthier heart with tougher connective tissue. Women will also benefit from protection against osteoporosis, which frequently becomes a problem post-menopause � something men do not have to worry about.


Metabolism is one way in which women differ from men in the fitness world. A man will burn more calories even when setting still than a woman will, so men lose weight with less exercise. Women have the upper hand over men when it comes to flexibility and stretching routines like Pilates and yoga.

Body Fat

Most men, when it comes to a vigorous workout, tend to work hard on the upper body, whereas women tend to work hard on the legs and buttocks. Women tend to have less muscle mass and more flexibility as compared to men, and hence have more body fat. Men, on the other hand, are less flexible because of their body structure and tend to have less fat.

Fitness Clothing

Something that might encourage women and men to get to the gym or out in the great outdoors is comfortable, flattering and long lasting men fitness clothes and women�s fitness clothes and shoes. Nice fitting clothes help a woman feel good and will keep you dry, relaxed and supported during the workouts. One way to put a stop to a good workout for either men or women is chafing, binding and pinching, so fitness clothes are a must have.


Women and men have very different fitness goals. A women�s fitness goal is to lose weight, a man�s fitness goal is to add more muscle mass. Men tend to think short-term; women tend to think long-term, even in the fitness world. Not only do women want to look good, but they also want to feel healthier.

After a hard day�s workout at the gym or in the great outdoors, settle down with your favorite fitness magazine. If you do not yet have one, go on line or to your local department or bookstore and find one. They will not only provide support and encouragement, they will also give you ideas for how you and your male workout partner can benefit from each other.
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Selasa, 22 Juli 2014

Differences Between Male and Female Anabolic Steroid Cycle Protocols

1. Testosterone is not necessary for use in female steroid cycles: The male physiological levels of endogenously manufactured Testosterone are not necessary for the survival or well-being of females. As mentioned prior, this is one of the several guidelines that can be circumvented by female users, and can essentially �get away with�, whereas men cannot. It should be common knowledge that the female body does not manufacture anywhere near the amount that the male human body does, and females therefore only require very minor amounts of Testosterone necessary for vital proper physiological function. Female endogenous production of Testosterone is approximately that of 1/10th of a male human body�s endogenous production. Testosterone in females is manufactured primarily by the adrenal glands, rather than the testes (organs that females do not possess).

It is not only unnecessary for females to utilize Testosterone but it is also in fact highly advised that female anabolic steroid users abstain from the use of Testosterone due to its very strong androgenic strength rating, which would provide pronounced virilization issues. However, there are female anabolic steroid users that do wish to engage in the use of stronger androgens such as Testosterone or Trenbolone, and this may be the result of the female not caring as to whether or not they experience virilization as a result. In such a case, it is a personal decision based upon personal values and goals. However, for the average female that does not wish to transform into a male, it is advised to stay away from the strong androgens such as Testosterone.

2. There is no post cycle therapy (PCT) required following a female steroid cycle. Once again, the purpose of a PCT is that of the restoration of natural function of endogenous Testosterone production and HPTA function in males. This is unnecessary in female anabolic steroid users. Females do not possess testicles, and therefore are not necessary for vital female physiological function. PCT as a result is unnecessary, whereas for male users it is absolutely vital for the proper restoration of endogenous natural hormonal function.

3. Cycle lengths must be kept very short so as to avoid virilization symptoms. Just as how female users should avoid very strong androgenic anabolic steroids, cycle lengths must not exceed particular lengths due to the fact that as duration of use increases, the potential and severity of virilization and masculinizing effects so too increases. Ideally, female steroid cycle lengths should be no longer than 4 weeks at a time. Should any female anabolic steroid users experience the beginnings of any virilization symptoms prior to the 4 week mark (cracking/deepening of the voice, growth of bodily/facial hair, etc.) all administration of anabolic steroids should be halted immediately.

4. Anabolic steroid stacks and combinations must be avoided at all costs unless absolutely necessary. This is mostly self-explanatory, as the combination and stacking of two or more anabolic steroids will result in a compounding of androgenic effects, leading to rapid onset of virilization, and more severe virilization symptoms. Unless absolutely necessary, such as the case of female competitive bodybuilders, stacking should be avoided at all costs unless deemed absolutely necessary.

5. While male anabolic steroid users must ensure proper time-off (break time, or time away from anabolic steroids) in between cycles that consists of time spent on the previous cycle and PCT length (for example, an 8 week cycle followed by a 4 week PCT would mean that time-off afterwards before the next cycle would be 3 � 4 months), females do not necessarily require this.  Female anabolic steroid users may be able to take shorter breaks and time-off in between cycles, although it is advised that at least 4 � 8 weeks of sufficient time off in between cycles is adequate to ensure proper normalization of the body�s internal systems following hormone augmentation that would result in the disruption of said systems. While males must ensure proper and adequate endogenous Testosterone and HPTA recovery, females do not need to be concerned with this.
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Kamis, 17 Juli 2014

Women and Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids have been around for more than 70 years. The predominant users of these steroids have been men but over the past 30 years, women have also started to abuse these drugs. In fact, it is widely believed that many female athletes from the Eastern bloc countries in the 70s and 80s were loaded with anabolic steroids during sporting events. In North America, use of anabolic steroids is common but not often reported. Since the screening has become more rigid, many women are discreet about their usage patterns.

It is estimated that about 7% of high school girls have tried anabolic steroids and this number increases slightly over time. In sports, the number of women who take anabolic steroids is not really known but is believed to be quite high. Many women now seem to be taking anabolic steroids at a younger age. Once the body is built they enter professional sports where they only need maintenance treatments to keep up their physique.

The Problem
All the available anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of the male sex hormone, testosterone.  These drugs posses both anabolic and androgenic properties. Men take anabolic steroids to build muscle. Females take anabolic steroids for many more reasons.

Like men, women use anabolic steroid to build their body and also be competitive in the field of sports. There is also one important fact which all females have to know- the side effects and complications of anabolic steroids are much worse in females than in males.

Availability of anabolic steroids

Over the years, countless anabolic steroids have been developed and many have been discontinued by the pharmaceutical companies. Today, the majority of anabolic steroids are available only for hospital use to treat certain medical disorders.

Anabolic steroids for personal use are only available through illegal means. Some women get their steroids from foreign countries like Mexico, Thailand, Europe or over the internet. In each and every case, the quality and purity of these illegally acquired anabolic steroids remains questionable. Plus, many of the illegally acquired anabolic steroids have contaminants and fake products are also common.

The most popular anabolic steroids used by women include:
    Depo testosterone

Most women usually start off with the low doses and generally take the drugs for a few months. Unlike men, the dose in women does not have to be high to produce the anabolic effects. When the dose is increased, many of the anabolic steroids have undesirable side effects which are not always reversible. Women who take these steroids see a noticeable effect in their body after about 3-4 weeks. The initial weight gain is usually from water retention and then the muscle mass build up follows. A female must exercise in order to build the body. Taking anabolic steroids without any formal exercise program only leads to obesity.

Most women who take anabolic steroids develop increased protein mass and reduced body fat. Women who have used anabolic steroids in the past claim that these drugs create a positive euphoria and increased awareness. Besides developing a sexy and trim body, these women also notice the obvious increase in strength. Unlike men, women experience a heightened sexual arousal when taking anabolic steroids.

Unlike men, the amount of anabolic steroid required to build the body is significantly much less in women. Women also tend to build the body faster then men. The key for all women who take anabolic steroids is to start low. The low doses mean fewer chances of side effects and minimal complications.
Side effects

Like all drugs, side effects also occur with anabolic steroids. The most common side effects seen in women who take these drugs include the following:

These side effects do not occur in all women nor do they all occur at the same time. Estimates indicate that about 1-5% of women suffer from some type of side effect. However, with long term use, a high proportion of women do develop mental issues which often never reverse. When the drugs are discontinued, unfortunately, not all the side effects are reversible.
Why women take anabolic steroids

Unlike men, women take anabolic steroids for several reasons. Some women have a body dysmorphic disorder- meaning they look at themselves in the mirror and are unhappy at what they see. Other women who take anabolic steroid to get bigger and stronger so that they can protect themselves. Others take the steroids to become competitive in sports.
Steroid abuse

The exact data on steroid abuse in women are unknown; every now and then a female athlete is caught with steroids in the body. Because of stringent screening criteria, the numbers of users are down but by no means eliminated. Many women take these steroids during the off season or while away on vacation.
Final point

Anabolic steroid use is common among women. Even though women are new to the body building scene they do know what it takes to build a body faster. There are some researchers who now indicate that women should abstain from use of anabolic steroids. Proper exercise and nutrition should be encouraged because the long term mental problems lead to disturbances in lifestyle.

Overall, most women who have taken steroids in the past now claim that the use of anabolic steroids never enhanced their competitive potential, but made a big difference in their sexuality.
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Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Side Effects of Steroids for Women

Steroids are synthetic versions of the hormone testosterone. Doctors prescribe steroids to treat medical conditions, such as delayed puberty and wasting diseases. Steroids are also used illegally for improved athletic abilities and physical appearance. Though steroid abuse was once popular primarily among bodybuilders, it has grown increasingly common among males and females of various walks of life, according to the United States Department of Justice. Steroids may cause numerous side effects in women.

Menstrual Abnormalities and Infertility
Male and female bodies produce testosterone. In women's bodies, testosterone is stored in the ovaries and other tissues throughout the reproductive system. Since steroids replicate testosterone, steroid use may trigger hormonal shifts. As a result, women may experience menstrual abnormalities my occur. Women may experience fewer periods, lighter or heavier menstrual flow, erratic periods or unusual premenstrual symptoms. If a woman stops menstruating , a condition called amenhorrea, it may indicate infertility--another potential side effect of steroid use according to the United States Department of Justice.

Masculine Effects
The term androgenic refers to changes males encounter during puberty. Due to the androgenic properties of steroids, women may experience side effects similar to symptoms males experience during pubescent years, such as a deeper voice and increased body or facial hair. According to the Mayo Clinic, steroid use may also cause unusual clitoris growth and baldness. Women's breasts may reduce in size and some effects, such as voice changes, may be permanent.

Emotional Effects
Steroids may also affect a woman's emotions. Potential emotional side effects include mood swings, mania, a false sense of invincibility, depression, anxiousness, irritability and hostility. Though emotional side effects of steroids can affect women and men, women may experience worsened moods during before menstruation. Women with history of mental illness, such as depression or anxiety, may risk relapses or greater need for psychological treatment. According to the Mayo Clinic, people may become dependent on steroids, resulting in heightened emotional problems during and after steroid use.

Physical Effects
In addition to appearance and menstrual changes, steroids may cause severe acne, water retention or bloating, liver disorders, sexual disorders and unhealthy cholesterol levels. High cholesterol caused by steroids may lead to cardiovascular conditions, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Taking steroids during pregnancy may negatively affect fetal development.
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Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

HGH � Human Growth Hormone

HGH is a naturally occurring hormone in the human body that is produced by the pituitary gland. A release of HGHRH and SST by the hypothalamus coincide with the amount of HGH released by the pituitary gland. HGH is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction/regeneration. Being a stress hormone, it also raises the concentration of glucose and free fatty acids and, most importantly, stimulates the production of IGF-1 from the liver. The peptide has shown the ability to increase the sizes of cells and the rate of cell mitosis.

Enhancement of macro/micro nutrient absorption has also been proven with the use of HGH; specifically the conversion of material into protein. In studies, it has been found that HGH also alters the rate in which carbohydrates and fats are utilized. Studies indicate that the use of carbohydrates is decreased while the use of fats are increased. It is believed that, partially, the advantage of HGH and fat loss comes from such a mechanism. HGH is secreted in rhythmic pulse while one is sleeping due to the melodic release of HGHRH and SST, which control the gateway to the release. HGH also carries with it the ability to stimulate the production of cartilage, though secondarily. When HGH is released, it also causes a release of IGF through the liver in response. IGF is known for its cartilage growth and reproductive properties.

In recent years, HGH has been popularized as a vitality drug. Many TRT companies are providing prescribed legal HGH to their clients to promote an anabolic and age defying synergy with their trt doses. Studies indicate that a very low dosage of HGH will be enough for fat burning properties to take effect. Technically, 2iu of HGH should be enough for even the larger bodybuilder to see fat burning properties, but the gold standard in the bodybuilding community has been a minimum of 4iu (broken into two doses a day) for fat burning and above 6iu for its anabolic properties. The duration of cycle has been popularized at 6 months, though you will start to see results in as little as two months. Many bodybuilders will stack HGH with steroids and other compounds to cause a profound anabolic and fat burning effect. The use of HGH, testosterone, insulin, IGF-1, and thyroid hormones have become a staple in any pro bodybuilder�s regimen for contest prep.   The use of HGH does not come without risk. Two of the biggest risks that a user should be worried about are the fact that HGH makes everything grow, including cancer cells and the use of anabolics with HGH has been shown to cause an enlarging of the heart (cardiomegaly) which can lead to many serious complications. Doctors supervision is always recommended when using any compound.

A fair warning to all who wish to purchase HGH. One can pay as much as 2 dollars for one single iu of HGH on the black market. With the legal market being about five times as expensive its easy to see why people may choose to go this route. HGH is very popular in the black market, and for that reason its also highly counterfeited. When trying to purchase HGH on the black market, make sure you are relying on a trustable source. As always, going the legal route is the route that everyone should take. But the reality of the situation is that people will buy black market. Make sure to check reviews, don�t get scammed.
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