Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014

Women Should Slow It Down To See Toned Muscle Results

A great way to challenge your workout and really get your muscles to bulk a bit is to spend more time on your actual movements. Instead of doing fast reps with small to medium weight to exhaustion try this technique: make your movements take 3-5 counts in both directions. For example, when doing a chest press work slowly to extend the arms. Once in extended position take the same amount of time to come down.

Talk about a quick burn and exhaustion! You are not only lifting the weight but you are taking gravity into more consideration. Just think how hard you have to concentrate on the movements to get a nice slow stable form. This really challenges the muscles and joints and makes those tiny tears necessary to build great definition!

Once too tired to lift any more reps take a quick break (no longer than 60 seconds and repeat). The shorter the break the better workout your muscles are going to get AND your heart rate will stay up to increase calorie burn. It takes about 3 minutes for muscle recovery therefore your rest should never be this long, the goal is to tire your muscles out after all. I recommend 30 second rest breaks.

Post workup refuel with a protein shake, a good cool down and lots of water!

Make your whole body workout follow this plan- legs, arms, backs, shoulders, abs, etc. Keep the movements smooth and controlled. With this slow plan you are also going to improve stability and help to strengthen the joints and connective tissue.

When doing squats using your butt muscles for control move slowly in position, a great addition is to stay in the squat for 5-10 seconds, or you can do bouncing squats for this time before slowly coming up. Back extensions, dead lifts, push ups everything gets slowed down.

You will notice that your reps will decrease significantly than if you were doing the medium to fast pace before. That is great, it means you are pushing yourself. If you are lifting an amount where you can still do 10 or more reps then you need to increase your weight. It is ok for women to increase their weights. Really push yourself because it is the only way results are going to pile on.

You can decrease your normal lifting weight by 10-20% just make sure to keep the pace slow!

DO NOT stop till you are unable to go farther!

Remember your body needs a rest so keep the workouts to every other day. Overloading the muscles can lead to injury and obviously if you are injured you are not going to be able to build the great toned and strong body you are going after. Plus the rest will really help to increase your metabolism and allow the results to come much faster.

Eat plenty of protein to assist in the muscle development. You can only build muscle if you have enough resources!

Try this workout for 30-40 days after which switch it up to avoid plateauing.
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Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

Testosterone in Women

Testosterone is largely known as the dominant male hormone however, as the dominant female hormone estrogen is also found in males testosterone in women is also a reality. Both sexes need testosterone, both sexes naturally produce the hormone, however, the production of testosterone in women is to a far lesser degree than in men. The majority of women only produce approximately one tenth of the amount produced by men and for this reason a common myth and misunderstanding is that women do not need the hormone; nothing could be further from the truth. While it is true, its imperative nature is far from the degree it resides men but it still has an important role to play for both sexes and it is testosterone in women and its effects we want to discuss today.
Testosterone in Women Positive Effects:

While testosterone in women can share some of the same positive effects it provides in men the larger and more important ones revolving around the female sex do not revolve around muscle performance to the same degree due to increased levels leading to many problems (we will discuss as we go along.) One of the primary roles testosterone in women plays is however one of its primary roles it plays in men and it revolves around libido. Women with insufficient testosterone production will find their libidos greatly decreased and in many cases a desire for sexual activity an idea from the past. Women who suffer from decreased libido issues are highly advised to seek out testosterone replacement therapy options in order to improve this aspect of their lives.

As greatly an effect testosterone can have on sexual desire the role of testosterone in women has two important factors that must not be ignored. Women who suffer from low or inadequate levels open themselves up to osteoporosis and depression to a far greater degree than women who have adequate levels. Testosterone when produced in proper amounts will greatly strengthen a womans bone structure and as women are far more prone to osteoporosis than men this is an invaluable trait. As it is imperative to bone health it is equally imperative to mental health as well. Adequate levels of testosterone in women will largely be responsible for their general well-being in-terms of their overall state of mind; therefore, women who suffer from low levels will greatly see their quality of life improved once therapy is implemented.

Increased Testosterone in Women:

While this hormone is important, when testosterone in women reaches excess levels a host of problems can be found and if you are a women you will find the most prominent ones to be nothing short of horrible. Excess levels of testosterone in women can greatly cause a host of masculine effects and largely take away from femininity. For those who have high levels common effects may include:

    Deepening of the Vocal Chords
    Facial Hair Growth
    Body Hair Growth
    Hair Loss (Baldness)
    Clitoral Enlargement

These possible effects brought on by increased levels of the hormone are effects most no woman would ever desire. While very few women will reach levels of a nature that can cause these symptoms naturally, the most common method is due to synthetic administration of testosterone.

Granted, as these problems can be far from desirable, testosterone in women can be increased beyond normal levels in-order to provide a means to reach a certain end and done so effectively and safely. As testosterone will promote muscle growth and preservation of existing tissue in men it will do the same in women. The difference here is the possible negative effects of such amounts; men do not have to worry about feminine effects if they take too much of the hormone. However if a woman desires to dramatically increase muscle mass, if they use very low doses of the hormone for far shorter durations than men, many times they can avoid these side-effects; however, just as many times they cannot. It is truly a role of the dice and impossible to predict. Most women who are looking for a solid performance enhancing boost are advised to stick to other anabolic steroids other than testosterone; most women will find steroids such as Anavar to be far safer and very effective.
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Senin, 04 Agustus 2014

When Does a Steroid Cycle Really End?

For anabolic steroid cycle planning, when it should be considered a cycle to have ended? At the end of the last week of steroids, or when the steroids have cleared?

Any system can be used if the thinking is consistent, but I prefer figuring cycle length according to how long anabolic steroid levels are suppressive.

For example, suppose someone is considering using testosterone cypionate at 2000 mg/week. Perhaps some may think it an unrealistic case, but depending on the individual case this amount may be entirely suitable. And suppose the user is health-conscious and wishes to have a quick recovery. This also can be realistic: many users at this level are quite careful in what they do.

This person knows that recovery after a well-planned 10 week cycle is usually fairly quick, and as cycles become longer than this, typically so do the recoveries. So a 10 week cycle is what he wants.

Well, figuring it as 10 weeks of injections, recovery would not go as he hoped!

Let�s make things simple and round the half-life of testosterone cypionate up to exactly one week, even though it�s probably a little shorter than this.

Then, at the end of week 11, his levels of injected testosterone would still be as high as if he�d been injecting testosterone at 1000 mg/week! Levels will be far too high to allow any recovery. And most likely, the reason he planned his cycle at 2000 mg/week is that he knows he wouldn�t achieve a new best at 1000 mg/week, let alone do so after peaking from 10 weeks at 2000 mg/week. So week 11 gives him neither further gains nor any recovery.

By the end of week 12, levels will still be as high as if he�d been injecting testosterone at 500 mg/week. Still no recovery, and with no further gains to show for it.

Even by the end of week 13, levels will be too high for recovery! Still another week would be lost.

Only by somewhere around week 14 could levels be low enough for recovery to even have a chance. But now, after this many weeks of inhibition, recovery will be slow or very slow for him.

This wasn�t what he was looking for. He�d have rather have had the quick recovery associated with only 10 weeks of inhibition, after having 10 weeks of strong gains.

But this situation is what can happen when figuring by weeks of injection rather than weeks of inhibition.

By planning according to weeks of inhibition, he�ll most likely have a fast recovery. He�d adjust the steroid cycle where transition will be fairly fast from the 2000 mg/week level to a level low enough to allow recovery, such as the 100-200 mg/week level.

This is done by taking advantage of short acting esters, suspension, and/or orals towards the end of the cycle, in place of long acting esters.
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