Selasa, 22 November 2011

Features of Chest Workout

First you need to learn one thing - strength training is the destiny of not only men but also women! Ladies,  you have muscles that needs training, too. Maybe it is not as strong as men has, but it has more stamina.

The Main Goal
Before you start pumping the chest muscles, you need to determine your goals. You must be clear about what you want and how will look your chest in the final version.

Anatomy of the Pectoral Muscles
Big pecs are flat paired muscles that cover the chest in front. Top of infants begins just below the collarbone. The bottom of the breast muscle in women is well developed by nature, while the top is far behind. In addition to this for years with top chest loses tone. In the end, the upper part of the pectoral muscles becomes "not the best kind," and it begins to sag breasts. Therefore it is recommended to start training with the study of infants in the first place to the top. To do this, perform bench presses and dumbbell bars on an incline bench presses or perform on a flat bench, but in a way that the lowest point of the dumbbell or barbell located just below the collarbone. This will allow the maximum load to focus on the target upper chest.

As practice shows, the most effective exercise pectoral muscles twice a week. Better for it to use two different services. If you do not have experience of training in the gym, then you better start to train chest with simulators. When performing exercises using free weights, the work includes a set of small muscles of the stabilizers that help balance and maintain weight. So you start doing it will be easier using the Smith's simulator and other simulators to pump breast. Then, as the growth of your physical attributes needed to move to free weights. However, much to overload yourself you should not, replace free weights no more than one - two exercises of the complex.

Begin each workout with warm-up. This will help you prepare your body for stress, heat, and increase muscle elasticity and thereby protect themselves from possible injuries and sprains. For a general warm-up will be enough work for five - ten minutes on any aerobic trainer. Only then can we move on to the main part of the workout. It is also important before beginning to perform heavy duty 1.2 warm-up sets with weight less than 30-50% of the worker.

Do stretching after a workout and warm-up approaches. It is also possible to stretch between the workers and approaches. Do not be amiss, and the inclusion of stretching exercises at the end of your workout. This will help speed recovery, relax muscles and make them more flexible. When the guy can not use a "springing" movement! Stretching should only be static! Stretch the muscle for at least 10-15 seconds.

To stretch the chest muscles you need to take a brush in a vertical rack simulator and slowly take body in the opposite direction of the hand. Do not let the appearance of pain in the shoulder joint!

The importance of basic exercises!
To avoid confusion, it is necessary to understand that exercise is the primary and secondary. The task of the main exercise is to increase strength and mass of target muscles. Secondary exercises help the muscles to work on form. The basic exercises are all kinds of breast presses with barbells and dumbbells. There is also a major exercise options include dilution lying. The secondary exercises include the information in the simulator, crossovers on the blocks, and the various movements on simulators for bench press. These exercises can improve the shape of the pectoral muscles, but are not effective for the growth of strength and muscle mass. Just embarking on training in the gym for beginners is best to start training with the use of infant simulators. Such an approach would deliver them from the risk of dropping a weight on your head and learn to concentrate on the muscles. After two months of training, you can rest for two to three weeks and then begin to slowly replace the exercises at the gym movements using free weights.
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Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Female Bodybuilding

Female bodybuilding has several objectives, first it's burning excess body fat and weight normalization, and secondly - the correction of problem areas of figure. To get a beautiful figure does not necessarily do this sport professionally and increase the muscle to the daunting size, is sufficient to perform only the exercises to correct and follow a special diet.

Women's bodybuilding classes can be divided into three main phases.

1. Burning fat - is carried out, if you want to remove the excess fat from the major problem areas and other parts of the body. The main problem areas include the female figure - the abdomen, waistline, buttocks.

While working on burning fat, you should do quite reps at a rapid rate, this mode allows you to achieve results in the shortest possible time. At the same muscle group performed only one exercise, but with six approaches for 15-20 reps. All work is carried out using small weights.

This step will not only get rid of excess fat and increase your physical endurance. Which will be useful in further training.

2. In the second stage should move to raise the general tone of the muscle groups. The moment of this very important and requires attention. Work on the general tone of the muscles will get excellent physical shape and improve overall health.

At this stage, and train almost every muscle in the body, gradually increasing the weight of burdens. As the first stage will be sufficient to perform only one exercise for each muscle group, but with fewer repetitions, they should not be over 12 in the approach. An important role is played by selecting the weight it should be done so that the last repetition you do with a noticeable effort, just such an embodiment will provide the best training effect.

3. The third stage involves the correction of the problem areas the figure, it is most important. To succeed it must first pass a thorough analysis of your body and identify those areas which will most load. As a rule, these zones are - inner thigh, back of thighs, calves, chest, buttocks and thighs.

After determining the problem areas is a set of exercises that help to correct these muscle groups. To speed up muscle growth, use at least two exercises on the problematic group. And these exercises are performed with a rather heavy load, but in this case will stimulate muscle growth.

When doing women's bodybuilding should take into account some features of the female body, for this reason it is desirable to include in the training facilities as much as possible exercises at the gym, replacing them with a barbell exercises and dumbbells.

Not unimportant role in the female bodybuilding diet plays in the first phase of training using low-carb diet, this will enable to get rid of fat.

In the correction should proceed to a protein diet, just in case you will have material for the growth of muscle fibers.

You should not apply to employment female bodybuilding prejudice, with the right approach, just a few years you can get a great figure with perfect proportions without resorting to plastic surgery. And as a bonus you get the general improvement of health and vitality.
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Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Five Benefits of Fitness

Do you want to think faster on the job? Feel like a human, coming home at night? Spending time with your second half not only in bed watching television? There are buns, without feeling remorse? If your answer is "yes" (and who would say "no"?), Then in front of you five compelling advantages fitness, which you perhaps never knew.
Training your body, you train your brain
Training will not only make our muscles stronger, but also increase levels of serotonin - a hormone that helps to think faster and clearer. At work, you will be able to keep pace with more and less tired. Besides serotonin helps us to maintain a good mood, making us more friendly and positive, which is important when communicating with colleagues.
Movement relieves nervous tension
As far as the mere idea to start exercising can cause you stress, so do exercise can make your life more calm in all respects. Physical activity in any form is already distracted by unpleasant thoughts, allowing you to switch our minds to rest. Becoming more relaxed, you will please not only themselves but everyone around you.
Fitness helps build relationships
Exercise is always more fun together. Come to practice with his friend, wife, colleague, and you will see that it will give new impetus to both of you. Usually those who train with someone reach their goals faster than singles. Especially important is the support for those who want to lose weight.
Physical exercises are constantly improving your body
Within a few weeks of constant training, you will see that the clothing was to sit at you differently, you become more efficient, sporty. If you love to play with friends in football or badminton, you will notice that they have become more resilient and nimble, and speed your reaction time increased.
Exercising regularly, you can have more
Constant training and became strong muscles accelerate your metabolism, and so now you can occasionally afford to eat what used to be thrown from your body in good shape for ten steps back. Of course, you still eat right, but! The very bun now you can eat no stealth, reproaching herself for each piece bitten off, and with a clear conscience, knowing that tomorrow it will "burn" in training.
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Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Lenda Murray: Lumbar-gluteal region

When I started training in bodybuilding, I asked myself: "Why am I doing? What I want from myself to do?" I do not want to find out how much muscle mass I am physically capable to hung over. I do not need a shapeless pile of muscles. On the contrary, I wanted to turn my body into what I considered the standard of female beauty. A method for this purpose there are very different. Some parts of the body require a constant overload, the other must be handled cautiously and wisely.

The lumbar region - is the foundation of the feminine form. This is the link that completes and records your body into an hourglass shape. If you make the middle part of the body bulky and muscular, you'll look like a kind of brick construction. If it is too thin and shapeless, you'll look fragile. In the end, everything is decided by the proportions of the body, it must be taken as an axiom.

The most-critical of the exercises - squats. No other exercise this can not be compared on effectiveness, when to perform it correctly. On the other hand, if you perform squats correctly, the negative effect will also be maximized. Unfortunately, too many athletes perform squats uncorrectly. Weight is very large, very wide leg stand, squat too deep, etc. Thus, the legs and thighs shapeless recruited muscle mass.

Women often self-harm yourself by visiting the gym without any specific purpose or program. Surrounding them say, "You must train just before the blue in the face" or "just do it." And it just makes you great, but not beautiful.

For example, large trapezoid certainly adorn a man, but will harm the woman. I train a trapezoid, but do not separate them with the rest of the body. Many women who are training the trapeze, pumped his downright bull neck.

Another dangerous area - the deadlift. I do this exercise, but not with such large scales, which increases from the waist. Instead, I will give myself to exercise on your upper back. Performing a horizontal thrust block sitting, I concentrate on the endpoint, the reduction of the blades, rather than pulling forward.

I often warn women that can be drawn into Jim culture, the culture of the gym. Very often, a woman meets a guy in the room that says "I'll make you big and strong." Before she has time to understand something, she finds herself embroiled in a masculine style of training and loses all womanhood, and to return it is very difficult.

Bodybuilding - it's not just the size, shape, topography or artistry on the podium, a combination of these indicators, and this kombiinatsiya different for men and women. The sooner we realize that the man - a man and a woman - this woman is, the better for all of us.

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Senin, 16 Mei 2011

GP Deca 250 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals Nandrolone Decanoate Use in Women Bodybuilders

GP Deca 250 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is an injectable steroid which contains 250mg of the hormone nandrolone deconoate. Nandrolone deconoate which is androgenic anabolic steroid is not so danger for the liver and promotes size and strength gains. GP Deca 250 also reduses body fat while increases in muscle mass.

GP Deca 250 known as Deca Durabolin is also very popular among women bodybuilders. To avvoid unwanted onsequences they usually take a much lower dosage on average than men. Although GP Deca 250 is only slightly androgenic, women are occasionally confronted with virilization symptoms, but it depends from the personal perception of nandrolone decanoate. So GP Deca 250 is recommended for woman only in small dosage of 50mg per week and stacked with oxandrolone or stanozolol. Both have very little androgenic but very high anabolic effect.

After long cycles endogenous testosterone levels can be a concern with nandrolone decanoate. Therefore it is recommended to incorporate ancillary medicatioms such as Clomid or Nolvadex is commonly used for a few weeks. These both provide a good level of testosterone stimulation, although they may take a couple of weeks to show the best effect. It is very important not to begin post cycle therapy until GP Deca 250 has been withdrawn for around three weeks. Nandrolone deconoate stays active for quite some time so the ancillary drugs will not be able to exhibit their optimal effect, when the steroid is still being released into the bloodstream.

As more and more men and women turn to anabolic steroid use to shape and their bodies, the more online steroids pharmacies provide their services. That's why it is very important to choose your supplier with with great care and attention, because of scam sites. It is better to choose websites that provide you useful information regarding steroids so that consumer, can be as educated as possible. provides you a list of steroids, what their names are, their primary uses, the best way to administer them, and the form that they come in. Some steroids are injected, others are taken orally, and others work well when used in conjunction with HGH. h provide you to buy GP Deca 250 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals on a really cheap price and high quality, with all necessary information.
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Jumat, 15 April 2011

GP Ment Trestolone Acetate by Geneza Pharmaceuticals Online

GP Ment by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is an injectable steroid which contains 50mg/ml of Trestolone Acetate hormone. GP Ment is a synthetic androgen that is from 4 to 10 times as potent as Testosterone. MENT is a Nandrolone derivative. It's a lot like Nandrolone but has a 7-alpha-methyl attachment. It inhibits gonadotrophin release, suppresses Testosterone and sperm production. Also GP Ment provides adequate replacement therapy for most androgen-dependant functions. It has a faster metabolic clearance rate than Testosterone and does not bind to sex hormone binding globulin. GP Ment remains capable of aromatization preserving the benefits estrogen imparts on male physiology.

As any other steroid GP Ment has side effects. GP Ment is very aromatizing and will cause synthetic estrogen buildup which will carry high biological activity.  The side effects of GP Ment are the same for this as with Nandrolone. The most common side effects are gynecomastia, hair loss, acne, prostate hypertrophy, deepending of voice, clitoris enlargement for women. Excess water retention can cause the user to have a bloated look without much definition to the muscle structure. GP Ment can also lead for excess fat buildup to occur. The one thing that is not a side effect, as is the case with many Nandrolone derivatives, is libido suppression. Because of this side effects, users of GP Ment is necessaru to use anti-estrogens during their cycle to keep levels down.

Bodybuilders looking to incorporate GP Ment into a cycle might stack it with other steroids such as GP Methan 10, GP Oxy, GP Bold 200, GP Stan 50. A low dose of GP Ment will be sufficient due to the fact that Trestolone acetate has been shown to be several times more potent than Testosterone.

It is very important to buy GP Ment from trusted and reliable pharmacies. proposes to buy online GP Ment from Geneza Pharmaceuticals. To buy Trestolone Acetate from Geneza Pharmaceuticals visit, to buy any other bodybuilding products browse
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Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Nicole Nagrani Wins Inaugural Bikini International

Nicole Nagrani of Deland, FL won the inaugural Bikini International competition here at the Arnold Sports Festival 2011. Contestants were judged on attractiveness and presentation of their curvier, less muscular physiques.

Nicole Nagrani received a prize of $7,000 from Brian Cavanaugh of GNC and a Tony Nowak jacket from Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Other major prizes awarded in the Bikini International were:
  • 2nd place: Sonia Gonzales of Temecula, CA received $3,000 presented by MHP and a trophy from Jan Tana.
  • 3rd place: Nathalia Melo from Ft. Lauderdale, FL received $2,000 presented by CJ�s Elite Suits and a trophy from
  • 4th place: Jessica Putnam of Knoxville, TN received $1,000, presented by Gaspari Nutrition and a trophy from
  • 5th place: Jaime Baird from Orlando, FL received $1,000, presented by MET-Rx and a trophy from Michelob ULTRA.
  • 6th place: Amanda Latona of Las Vegas, NV received $1,000 presented by Optimum Nutrition and a trophy from The Columbus Dispatch.

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Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

GP Clen Clenbuterol and GP T3 Cytomel from Geneza Pharmaceuticals Helps in Fat Burning

GP Clen by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is an oral preparation containing 0.04mg of the substance Clenbuterol per tablet. Clenbuterol or GP Clen is becoming widely popular among the masses and especially bodybuilders.  GP Clen results are amazing when combined with the GP T3 thyroid hormone called Cytomel. Hormones secreted by your thyroid could be enough to affect the varying jobs due to your weight, is the consciousness created by the press. The metabolism is controlled because they are released to go to all areas of the body. As a matter of assessment T3 is more powerful by four fold compared to its counterpart T4 in potency.

GP Clen is very popular among women bodybuilders. Women bodybuilders use GP Clen with GP T3 Cytomel simply because they have slower metabolism rate than men. To avoid risks of serious health problems GP Clen shouldn't be used for over a stretch of three weeks. After a three week course you should stop not less than three weeks. Prior to starting GP Clen Clenbuterol and GP T3 Cytomel usage, it is advisable to consult with your physician to guarantee the health of your thyroid is suitable to begin the medication, as it can have an impact on thyroid functioning. Bodybuilders should be certain to consume plenty of water while taking Clen and never to consume more than three tablets a day. Most prefer to take their tablets in the morning in order to give the effects time to subside before bedtime.

The results you're hoping to get will be greatly elevated by the addition of GP T3 Cytomel to your GP Clen Cenbuterol usage. You may begin after having passed through the physical and thyroid checks, if only you have made a decision to try this regimen. Comparable to the dosage of your GP Clen, GP T3 Cytomel should also be started at low levels and slowly stepped up over time. 25 micrograms is the common starting dosage. Without exceeding 100 micro-grams, every three days 25 micrograms could be added. While finishing also, the dosage must be gradually tapered off, at the end of three weeks based upon the planned cycle. Usage of GP Clen, GP T3 Cytomel not just results in metabolizing fats, but the protein you eat as well. It becomes necessary to compensate the losses, because of this, by increasing the protein consumption in what you eat.

It is very important to buy GP Clen Clenbuterol and GP T3 Cytomel from trusted and reliable pharmacies. proposes to buy drugs safe and descretely. To buy GP Clen Clenbuterol visit , to buy GP T3 Cytomel
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Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Weight Loss For Women

Did you swear to yourself on New Year's Day that you'd lose weight and firm up those sagging parts? Now you're having a difficult time doing without your beloved foods after a life of overindulgence. To make your new eating plan a part of you, slowly get rid of prohibited foods from your diet. Set short-term goals. When you feel anxious or desperate to reach your goal in a hurry, remind yourself of the past day's, week's, or month's progress.
Women who have been exercising and dieting for a while repeatedly inquire, when it will be over? If you decide you don't want your diet to be restrictive, it won't be. Whether you employ weights, fancy equipment or you jog in a recreational area, working out, doing yoga or any additional type of "training," should be pleasurable. You opted to add the extra weight and go back the life you're used to, so now you can choose to live a different, better way.
Bodybuilding Basics
One of the most unrelenting myths that women have about weight training is that working out with weights will turn them into female hulks. This won't occur except if you hit the fitness center with a vengeance, determined to look like the cover girl of a muscle publication. Weight training, as it's frequently described, will assist you in building up a stronger heart and stronger connective tissue.
Why Fad Diets Don't Work
An entire collection of temporary, informal diet approaches is covered by the term "fad diet." These diets are used to lose weight through dangerous and impractical techniques. Every other day a new weight loss system falling in this class comes on the market. You can't lose weight permanently with fad diets without starving yourself to death. In order to lose weight and keep it off you must make the necessary modifications to your way of life.
It takes months and years of self-control and commitment to achieve a healthier lifestyle, and losing weight is not something effortlessly done overnight. Skipping meals, following fad diets or relying on a fat burner alone will not help you lose weight. In fact, losing weight is simple, you just need to eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise regularly.
Eating for Fitness
If you really wish to look and feel healthier the best place to begin is with what you're eating. A balanced diet is vital to regaining a healthy way of life. Nearly everyone has heard within the past couple years that adding oats to the diet can considerably decrease the danger of coronary heart disease, lower cholesterol and even out blood sugars. Besides oats, there are nine other foods that can improve your energy and reduce your risk of a number of leading ailments:
1. oats
2. soybeans
3. tomatoes
4. coldwater seafood, such as salmon or cod
5. flaxseed
6. garlic
7. hot peppers
8. sweet potatoes
9. grapes
10. cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts
Ten Tips for Long-Term Weight Loss
1. Perform some resistive weight training 3-4 times a week with brief breaks between sets of 30 to 60 seconds. This will help keep your metabolic rate high so that fat loss occurs at a balanced rate, and it will also preserve your muscle.
2. Do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) 2-3 times a week on alternating days from weight training to burn fat and boost metabolic rate.
3. Pay attention to what you consume. Eat complex carbohydrates in moderation to decrease insulin production and stop blood sugar fluctuations, and keep away from simple sugars. Depend on complex, high-fiber carbohydrates such as oatmeal, lentils and brown rice.
4. To enhance your metabolic rate, increase anabolic hormones and avert muscle loss during dieting, raise the quantity of lean protein you eat every day. This will push the body to decrease fat while protecting the active tissue you need. Your body needs protein to keep a positive nitrogen balance, which can lead to an increase in your muscle mass.
5. Substitute saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats, for example flax oi,l and monounsaturated fats, for example olive oil and avocados. Omega-3 oils from many sources of fish will also help you lose fat.
6. To avoid dehydration and help release fat stores to be burned as energy, drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.
7. To enhance transportation time of food, improve digestion and advance weight loss, eat fibrous vegetables.
8. Stretch food intake over 5-6 meals per day. This will stop your body from kicking into starvation mode, which can occur when you go too long between meals. Starvation mode retards your metabolism, and your body will begin burning muscle for energy and increase its fat stores.
9. While you're dieting, keep away from alcohol. Your body metabolises alcohol first when you consume it with a meal, and the remaining calories will without doubt be stored as fat.
10. Be snack smart. Keep in mind that surplus carbohydrates in your diet will be stored as fat, so inspect the nutritional panels on your snacks and don't forget fat-free does not mean calorie free.
Negative sentiments will get in the way of your weight loss agenda. It's hard to stay motivated and lose weight when you feel bad. The more optimistic you are, the faster and easier it will be for you to lose weight. You are better able to take charge of your life when you are self-confident. It also means that after you lose weight, it will stay off permanently.
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Senin, 07 Maret 2011

GP Stan Winstrol Stanozolol is Safe for Women

GP Stan is the brand name of the synthetic anabolic Stanozolol. GP Stan (Winstrol Stanozolol) is produced in two versions: in tablets and in injections. This synthetic anabolic steroid is derived from testosterone and is used for last 50 years.
GP Stan (Winstrol Stanozolol) is one of steroids that has been approved by the FDA for human use. In body building, GP Stan (Winstrol Stanozolol) is classified as a Schedule III controlled substance by federal regulations, just like other anabolic steroids.


GP Stan (Winstrol Stanozolol) is one of the few anabolic steroids that can improve an athlete�s physical performance. It is also a very safe option for female body builders because it slightly increases their anabolism for a small androgenic effect.

Winstrol is a very popular among body builders because GP Stan (Winstrol Stanozolol) increases strength without the unwanted weight loss. Additionally, it increases the visibility of veins, while withholding the conversion of estrogen in the body. GP Stan (Winstrol Stanozolol) also doesn't retain excess water and has some diuretic effects.

GP Stan for Women

Winstrol is one of the few products that are safe for women. GP Stan (Winstrol Stanozolol) was designed to bring more anabolic effects, rather than androgenic. Still, this doesn�t bring huge weight gains even in women. The high protein processing ability of winstrol gives muscles a more refined look than other products.
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