Female bodybuilding has several objectives, first it's burning excess body fat and weight normalization, and secondly - the correction of problem areas of figure. To get a beautiful figure does not necessarily do this sport professionally and increase the muscle to the daunting size, is sufficient to perform only the exercises to correct and follow a special diet.
Women's bodybuilding classes can be divided into three main phases.
1. Burning fat - is carried out, if you want to remove the excess fat from the major problem areas and other parts of the body. The main problem areas include the female figure - the abdomen, waistline, buttocks.
While working on burning fat, you should do quite reps at a rapid rate, this mode allows you to achieve results in the shortest possible time. At the same muscle group performed only one exercise, but with six approaches for 15-20 reps. All work is carried out using small weights.
This step will not only get rid of excess fat and increase your physical endurance. Which will be useful in further training.
2. In the second stage should move to raise the general tone of the muscle groups. The moment of this very important and requires attention. Work on the general tone of the muscles will get excellent physical shape and improve overall health.
At this stage, and train almost every muscle in the body, gradually increasing the weight of burdens. As the first stage will be sufficient to perform only one exercise for each muscle group, but with fewer repetitions, they should not be over 12 in the approach. An important role is played by selecting the weight it should be done so that the last repetition you do with a noticeable effort, just such an embodiment will provide the best training effect.
3. The third stage involves the correction of the problem areas the figure, it is most important. To succeed it must first pass a thorough analysis of your body and identify those areas which will most load. As a rule, these zones are - inner thigh, back of thighs, calves, chest, buttocks and thighs.
After determining the problem areas is a set of exercises that help to correct these muscle groups. To speed up muscle growth, use at least two exercises on the problematic group. And these exercises are performed with a rather heavy load, but in this case will stimulate muscle growth.
When doing women's bodybuilding should take into account some features of the female body, for this reason it is desirable to include in the training facilities as much as possible exercises at the gym, replacing them with a barbell exercises and dumbbells.
Not unimportant role in the female bodybuilding diet plays in the first phase of training using low-carb diet, this will enable to get rid of fat.
In the correction should proceed to a protein diet, just in case you will have material for the growth of muscle fibers.
You should not apply to employment female bodybuilding prejudice, with the right approach, just a few years you can get a great figure with perfect proportions without resorting to plastic surgery. And as a bonus you get the general improvement of health and vitality.
Women's bodybuilding classes can be divided into three main phases.
1. Burning fat - is carried out, if you want to remove the excess fat from the major problem areas and other parts of the body. The main problem areas include the female figure - the abdomen, waistline, buttocks.
While working on burning fat, you should do quite reps at a rapid rate, this mode allows you to achieve results in the shortest possible time. At the same muscle group performed only one exercise, but with six approaches for 15-20 reps. All work is carried out using small weights.
This step will not only get rid of excess fat and increase your physical endurance. Which will be useful in further training.
2. In the second stage should move to raise the general tone of the muscle groups. The moment of this very important and requires attention. Work on the general tone of the muscles will get excellent physical shape and improve overall health.
At this stage, and train almost every muscle in the body, gradually increasing the weight of burdens. As the first stage will be sufficient to perform only one exercise for each muscle group, but with fewer repetitions, they should not be over 12 in the approach. An important role is played by selecting the weight it should be done so that the last repetition you do with a noticeable effort, just such an embodiment will provide the best training effect.
3. The third stage involves the correction of the problem areas the figure, it is most important. To succeed it must first pass a thorough analysis of your body and identify those areas which will most load. As a rule, these zones are - inner thigh, back of thighs, calves, chest, buttocks and thighs.
After determining the problem areas is a set of exercises that help to correct these muscle groups. To speed up muscle growth, use at least two exercises on the problematic group. And these exercises are performed with a rather heavy load, but in this case will stimulate muscle growth.
When doing women's bodybuilding should take into account some features of the female body, for this reason it is desirable to include in the training facilities as much as possible exercises at the gym, replacing them with a barbell exercises and dumbbells.
Not unimportant role in the female bodybuilding diet plays in the first phase of training using low-carb diet, this will enable to get rid of fat.
In the correction should proceed to a protein diet, just in case you will have material for the growth of muscle fibers.
You should not apply to employment female bodybuilding prejudice, with the right approach, just a few years you can get a great figure with perfect proportions without resorting to plastic surgery. And as a bonus you get the general improvement of health and vitality.

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