It is known that muscle increases during exercise, and the number of cells that make up muscle, virtually unchanged. So the time needed for a person to turn flabby belly sagged in the elastic press is individual and depends on - how much the muscle cells of people received an inheritance from their parents. It is desirable to feed the muscle so that it grew and developed. The staple food become proteins and everything that promotes the formation of fat in the body, is completely rejected by bodybuilders. This perfectionism can sometimes cost with health problems to a man-athlete, so here it is not necessary to go to far. Women are also very different story - fat tissue is the basis for the origin of estrogen, and therefore it is fat, we should be grateful for the lovely feminine form of her own body.
The initial stage of female bodybuilding is fitness. This is a well-chosen program of training and nutrition. The complex of these complementing each other, the measures allow the woman, after a few months look much more attractive and feel the rush of physical strength and health. Fitness does not allow athletic massiveness, and allows only a complete harmony of a woman's body, its physical endurance, as well as the acceptable level of body fat (not flashy, but not completely absent). Fitness, in general, is aimed at women. Along with the "soft" development of the body, it strengthens the cardiovascular system and normalizes the overall psychological state of women in our background, unstable in many ways, time.
But there is another category of women who prefer trainings with increasing load. To achieve performance of male bodybuilders is practically impossible for woman, and therefore, steroid hormones are essential attribute of their daily workouts. Despite all the side effects, women are betting precisely on this "easy" way to achieve this goal. Oddly enough, the muscles do not turn women in men in this case. Women are no longer women because of the steroids! Testosterone is present in small doses in the body of any woman, but it suppresses the generation of a surplus of female sex hormones, affecting at the health and "Bodybuilder" appearance.
Here are a few side effects associated with the use of steroids in the female bodybuilding:
- Rapid growth of hair on face, body, groin, and along with it - hair loss.
- Deterioration of the skin: dryness, rashes, translucent veins;
- Constipation, gas, hemorrhoids;
- Increased sweating;
- Increased sexual activity, psychological imbalance, changes in voice;
- Amenorrhea, infertility, heart disorders ...
All of the above fixable except for infertility, normalizes after the course.
In addition, steroids bring in another woman's body and irreversible processes - the growth of the nasal cartilages and the growth of the clitoris.
Steroids in excessive doses cause side effects, not only women but also in men. All is good in moderation and under medical supervision. More and more women turns to anabolic steroids use to shape their bodies, the more online steroids shops provide their services. That's why it is very important to choose your supplier with with great care and attention. It is better to choose websites that provide you useful information regarding steroids so that consumer, can be as educated as possible. provides you to buy steroids online. To buy steroids visit
The initial stage of female bodybuilding is fitness. This is a well-chosen program of training and nutrition. The complex of these complementing each other, the measures allow the woman, after a few months look much more attractive and feel the rush of physical strength and health. Fitness does not allow athletic massiveness, and allows only a complete harmony of a woman's body, its physical endurance, as well as the acceptable level of body fat (not flashy, but not completely absent). Fitness, in general, is aimed at women. Along with the "soft" development of the body, it strengthens the cardiovascular system and normalizes the overall psychological state of women in our background, unstable in many ways, time.
But there is another category of women who prefer trainings with increasing load. To achieve performance of male bodybuilders is practically impossible for woman, and therefore, steroid hormones are essential attribute of their daily workouts. Despite all the side effects, women are betting precisely on this "easy" way to achieve this goal. Oddly enough, the muscles do not turn women in men in this case. Women are no longer women because of the steroids! Testosterone is present in small doses in the body of any woman, but it suppresses the generation of a surplus of female sex hormones, affecting at the health and "Bodybuilder" appearance.
Here are a few side effects associated with the use of steroids in the female bodybuilding:
- Rapid growth of hair on face, body, groin, and along with it - hair loss.
- Deterioration of the skin: dryness, rashes, translucent veins;
- Constipation, gas, hemorrhoids;
- Increased sweating;
- Increased sexual activity, psychological imbalance, changes in voice;
- Amenorrhea, infertility, heart disorders ...
All of the above fixable except for infertility, normalizes after the course.
In addition, steroids bring in another woman's body and irreversible processes - the growth of the nasal cartilages and the growth of the clitoris.
Steroids in excessive doses cause side effects, not only women but also in men. All is good in moderation and under medical supervision. More and more women turns to anabolic steroids use to shape their bodies, the more online steroids shops provide their services. That's why it is very important to choose your supplier with with great care and attention. It is better to choose websites that provide you useful information regarding steroids so that consumer, can be as educated as possible. provides you to buy steroids online. To buy steroids visit

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