Selasa, 30 April 2013


Due to their hormonal make up, female athletes need to take a different approach to the use of steroids than their male counterparts. The specific compounds considered to be the safest for use by women are Anavar, Primobolan, Nolvadex, Winstrol, Maxibolin and Durabolin. It's also very important to note that even on low doses of these particular steroids, some women will develop virilizing effects. This is due to the fact that any amount of steroid introduced into the female endocrine system will trigger a reaction, since it's essentially a derivative of a male hormone. With this in mind, it's always recommended that low dosages of weak androgenic steroids are used for short periods of time.


Most common side effects experienced by women using steroids are:

  •     Acne and oily skin
  •     Aggression
  •     Male pattern baldness
  •     Lowering of voice tone
  •     Disruption of menstrual cycle
  •     Clitoral enlargement
  •     Increased hair growth on face, legs and arms

More positive side effects of steroid use in women would be:
  •     Increased feeling of well being
  •     Increased energy
  •     Decreased recovery time from workouts
  •     Heightened sex drive
  •     Muscle and strength gain
  •     Decreases in estrogenic fat (e.g. upper legs, abdomen, upper arms, butt)

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