Anabolic steroid use where females are concerned is a very seldom touched upon topic within the anabolic steroid using community. This is because the majority of anabolic steroid users land in the male gender category, as well as the fact that almost all of the clinical data in regards to anabolic steroid use in females is in reference to the medical applications, which in and of itself is very different from the use of anabolic steroids for the purpose of performance and physique enhancement. This particular section of this article is by no means designed to be a comprehensive guide to female anabolic steroid use. Instead, only the most immediate concerns and topics in regards to proper female steroid cycles will be covered.
The majority of the questions, concerns, and issues where female use is concerned will be explored upon in a later article. For the time being, the considerations as to the potential side effects in female anabolic steroid users can easily be accessed by reading a comprehensive article on anabolic steroid side effects in general, which would include the potential side effects for female users.
When female anabolic steroids cycles are considered, there are vast differences to be understood and considered in comparison to the average anabolic steroid cycle, which almost always is structured and designed for male users. The fact is that the majority of anabolic steroid use information, cycle protocols, PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) considerations, and many more common guidelines simply do not apply to female anabolic steroid users.
In summary, there are various advantages that female anabolic steroid users hold over male users, and there are various advantages that male users hold over female users. There also exist disadvantages that are different pertaining to both genders. These must be understood first.
Assuming the majority of preliminary considerations for all users have been noted (listed in the introduction of this article), the preliminary considerations for female anabolic steroid users is for the most part very straightforward and short in its explanation.
All female anabolic steroid users must understand the base fundamentals of what they are doing with their bodies: Anabolic androgenic steroids are synthetic analogues and derivatives of the male hormone Testosterone (or simply Testosterone itself). As stated, this is the male sex hormone, and females engaging in anabolic steroid cycles are simply inserting Testosterone (or related analogues) into themselves in an effort to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat levels. Using common sense, any female understanding this will realize the potential for the development of male secondary sex characteristics (properly known as virilization). Virilization effects can include the development of male secondary sex characteristics (deepening of the voice, growth of body and facial hair), clitoral enlargement, and menstrual irregularities. It is also strongly advised to abstain from anabolic steroid cycles during pregnancy, as this is a particularly important hormonal period for the development of a fetus, and the inclusion of supraphysiological levels of androgens have been linked to birth defects in newborn babies.
It is also necessary to gain a proper understanding of which anabolic steroids are suitable, which are less suitable, and which should be not used under any but the most essential circumstances. These details will be covered shortly.
The majority of the questions, concerns, and issues where female use is concerned will be explored upon in a later article. For the time being, the considerations as to the potential side effects in female anabolic steroid users can easily be accessed by reading a comprehensive article on anabolic steroid side effects in general, which would include the potential side effects for female users.
When female anabolic steroids cycles are considered, there are vast differences to be understood and considered in comparison to the average anabolic steroid cycle, which almost always is structured and designed for male users. The fact is that the majority of anabolic steroid use information, cycle protocols, PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) considerations, and many more common guidelines simply do not apply to female anabolic steroid users.
In summary, there are various advantages that female anabolic steroid users hold over male users, and there are various advantages that male users hold over female users. There also exist disadvantages that are different pertaining to both genders. These must be understood first.
Assuming the majority of preliminary considerations for all users have been noted (listed in the introduction of this article), the preliminary considerations for female anabolic steroid users is for the most part very straightforward and short in its explanation.
All female anabolic steroid users must understand the base fundamentals of what they are doing with their bodies: Anabolic androgenic steroids are synthetic analogues and derivatives of the male hormone Testosterone (or simply Testosterone itself). As stated, this is the male sex hormone, and females engaging in anabolic steroid cycles are simply inserting Testosterone (or related analogues) into themselves in an effort to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat levels. Using common sense, any female understanding this will realize the potential for the development of male secondary sex characteristics (properly known as virilization). Virilization effects can include the development of male secondary sex characteristics (deepening of the voice, growth of body and facial hair), clitoral enlargement, and menstrual irregularities. It is also strongly advised to abstain from anabolic steroid cycles during pregnancy, as this is a particularly important hormonal period for the development of a fetus, and the inclusion of supraphysiological levels of androgens have been linked to birth defects in newborn babies.
It is also necessary to gain a proper understanding of which anabolic steroids are suitable, which are less suitable, and which should be not used under any but the most essential circumstances. These details will be covered shortly.

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