Steroids use among women is not as popular as among men. However, the number of those who want to build a nice body through anabolics is quite high, and it continue to raise every year. And it is not about professional female bodybuilders or athletes only. There are ordinary women who would like to give a try to these gears, but are concerned about their side effects. When it comes to steroids and women, the biggest concern is about virilization side effect these drugs have on women body. That�s why in this article we will talk about anabolics that has less or almost no virilization side effects, and how to manage to stay safe while building muscle mass.
Anabolic steroids are safe drugs, if used properly. This is available for both women and men. Taking them with responsibility and in right doses are the key points that prevent the occurrence of any unwanted side effects. When it comes to women, they are safer using these compounds, since they take them in much lower doses than men do. If you are informed enough to choose a steroid that carry low virilizing properties, than you can be sure that great muscle mass would be achieved.
But what is virilization? It is the antagonist of femininity, and women fear it enough to think twice before getting involved in steroids use. It is about developing some masculine traits, as a result of hormonal changes caused by steroids use. Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of the natural produced by the body hormone testosterone. Whereas testosterone is a male hormone, women body produce it too, but in much lower doses. When taking steroids, the testosterone level increased, leading to unwanted virilizing effects. Even taking in much lower doses compared to men use, the likelihood of facing such effects as body hair growth, voice deepening, and clitoris enlargement are still present.
It is quite hard for a women to even imagine such a picture, not even to accept that it may happens to her too. Despite of this, there are many women who succeed to build great bodies, preserving their femininity. Of course, you ask how? Indeed this is simple. Reading a lot about anabolic steroids, getting informed which steroids are the most androgenic and which one fit women use are just based steps to take before planning any steroids cycle. If you do it blindly, than the likelihood that you will end up failing is very high.
How to avoid virilization
Knowing which steroids are safe for you, and which ones to avoid is main criteria for staying away of any virilization effect. Bear in mind, that even taken �no virilization� steroids for women you are at risk to develop some of the unwanted side effects. This is because we are different, our bodies might have different reaction to the same drug. Thereby, is impossible and totally wrong to talk about a wonder steroid with �no virilization�, when there are still chances to occurs in someone. So, let�s stay realistics and do not idealize the use of steroids. After all, you take some risks every time using any other drug. But the sense of reality is what you have to follow all the time.
Here are four steps to take for avoiding virilizing effects:
-Choose steroids that present low or almost no virilizing properties. Usually, the more powerful is the steroid, the less suited is for women use. Thus, mild anabolic steroids are the first choice for women.
-Interrupt the steroids use if you body begin to develop virilizing effects. Carefully watching your body while running a steroids cycle is tremendous for safe use. Listen to first signs your body display to you and take a timeout if you are not happy with what you get if the smartest decision to take for you. Allow you more time for understanding what you did wrong, change the steroid or doses to stay safe next time. The good news with steroids use, is that any side effect disappear once you cease their use. So, just stop using them if you notice something bad, and your body will begin to return to its previous functions.
-Use steroids in low doses. People think that taking higher doses lead to bigger gains. It is a big mistake, that undoubtedly end up with a range of dangerous effects for your health. Begin with lower doses, and stick to them during the all course. Over time, once you gain some experience with steroids use, and checked your body reaction to it, you can go with higher doses with no damage for your health.
-Short steroid cycle. A six weeks cycling is maximum you can follow to get great results and stay safe. More longer cycles automatically increases the risks of developing virilization side effects and not only.
Anabolic steroids are safe drugs, if used properly. This is available for both women and men. Taking them with responsibility and in right doses are the key points that prevent the occurrence of any unwanted side effects. When it comes to women, they are safer using these compounds, since they take them in much lower doses than men do. If you are informed enough to choose a steroid that carry low virilizing properties, than you can be sure that great muscle mass would be achieved.
But what is virilization? It is the antagonist of femininity, and women fear it enough to think twice before getting involved in steroids use. It is about developing some masculine traits, as a result of hormonal changes caused by steroids use. Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of the natural produced by the body hormone testosterone. Whereas testosterone is a male hormone, women body produce it too, but in much lower doses. When taking steroids, the testosterone level increased, leading to unwanted virilizing effects. Even taking in much lower doses compared to men use, the likelihood of facing such effects as body hair growth, voice deepening, and clitoris enlargement are still present.
It is quite hard for a women to even imagine such a picture, not even to accept that it may happens to her too. Despite of this, there are many women who succeed to build great bodies, preserving their femininity. Of course, you ask how? Indeed this is simple. Reading a lot about anabolic steroids, getting informed which steroids are the most androgenic and which one fit women use are just based steps to take before planning any steroids cycle. If you do it blindly, than the likelihood that you will end up failing is very high.
How to avoid virilization
Knowing which steroids are safe for you, and which ones to avoid is main criteria for staying away of any virilization effect. Bear in mind, that even taken �no virilization� steroids for women you are at risk to develop some of the unwanted side effects. This is because we are different, our bodies might have different reaction to the same drug. Thereby, is impossible and totally wrong to talk about a wonder steroid with �no virilization�, when there are still chances to occurs in someone. So, let�s stay realistics and do not idealize the use of steroids. After all, you take some risks every time using any other drug. But the sense of reality is what you have to follow all the time.
Here are four steps to take for avoiding virilizing effects:
-Choose steroids that present low or almost no virilizing properties. Usually, the more powerful is the steroid, the less suited is for women use. Thus, mild anabolic steroids are the first choice for women.
-Interrupt the steroids use if you body begin to develop virilizing effects. Carefully watching your body while running a steroids cycle is tremendous for safe use. Listen to first signs your body display to you and take a timeout if you are not happy with what you get if the smartest decision to take for you. Allow you more time for understanding what you did wrong, change the steroid or doses to stay safe next time. The good news with steroids use, is that any side effect disappear once you cease their use. So, just stop using them if you notice something bad, and your body will begin to return to its previous functions.
-Use steroids in low doses. People think that taking higher doses lead to bigger gains. It is a big mistake, that undoubtedly end up with a range of dangerous effects for your health. Begin with lower doses, and stick to them during the all course. Over time, once you gain some experience with steroids use, and checked your body reaction to it, you can go with higher doses with no damage for your health.
-Short steroid cycle. A six weeks cycling is maximum you can follow to get great results and stay safe. More longer cycles automatically increases the risks of developing virilization side effects and not only.

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