Senin, 22 Desember 2014

What is the Ideal Steroid Dosage to Maximize Fat Loss?

How high a dose of anabolic steroids is needed for good acceleration of fat loss?

Even the 500 mg/week dosage level, as a total of all the steroids used in the stack, is sufficient for substantial improvement in fat loss compared to the natural state. There�s some further improvement as the dosage increases to about the 1000 mg/week level.

In a few cases there have been remarkable results with quite low dosages, such as 250 mg/week testosterone or even 9 mg/day Dianabol (as odd as that number is, the specific case really was that amount.) However, that�s unusual, and appears to be correlated with the individuals having somewhat low natural testosterone. Generally, 500 mg/week is a reasonable minimum for a fat-loss steroid cycle.

Whether to lose fat first and then gain muscle, or do it the other way around, will depend on the case. A simple rule of thumb though is to accomplish the personally-easier task first.

For example, if you know you can drop 10 lb of fat relatively easily but adding 10 lb of muscle will be a challenge, then by all means lose the fat in the first few weeks of the cycle, preferably with quite high volume training. Your body will then be in a highly responsive state for muscle gain in the following weeks, due both to the previous high volume training and due to a homeostatic tendency to return to previous weight, in this case with muscle gain. More importantly than any reason why, this simply has been found to work very well.

Or if on the other hand if you find it hard to get much leaner than your present condition but you know you can add the planned amount of muscle in a matter of weeks, then add the muscle first. This will aid in the following fat loss, both because the added muscle increases metabolic rate, and again because of a homeostatic tendency to return to accustomed weight, in this case with fat loss. And again, regardless of reason, this too works very well in practice.

Gaining muscle while losing fat simultaneously can be done, but generally isn�t the optimal approach. It would pretty much look at that as being a possible unintended outcome in some training scenarios, where very intensive programs with intent of maximum strength gains might result in some fat loss despite best efforts at sufficient eating. But as a deliberate plan, most times it wouldn�t aim to accomplish both fat loss and muscle gain at the same time in a steroid cycle.
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Senin, 15 Desember 2014

Steroids that do not cause virilizing effects in women

Steroids use among women is not as popular as among men. However, the number of those who want to build a nice body through anabolics is quite high, and it continue to raise every year. And it is not about professional female bodybuilders or athletes only. There are ordinary women who would like to give a try to these gears, but are concerned about their side effects. When it comes to steroids and women, the biggest concern is about virilization side effect these drugs have on women body. That�s why in this article we will talk about anabolics that has less or almost no virilization side effects, and how to manage to stay safe while building muscle mass.

Anabolic steroids are safe drugs, if used properly. This is available for both women and men. Taking them with responsibility and in right doses are the key points that prevent the occurrence of any unwanted side effects. When it comes to women, they are safer using these compounds, since they take them in much lower doses than men do. If you are informed enough to choose a steroid that carry low virilizing properties, than you can be sure that great muscle mass would be achieved.

But what is virilization? It is the antagonist of femininity, and women fear it enough to think twice before getting involved in steroids use. It is about developing some masculine traits, as a result of hormonal changes caused by steroids use. Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of the natural produced by the body hormone testosterone. Whereas testosterone is a male hormone, women body produce it too, but in much lower doses. When taking steroids, the testosterone level increased, leading to unwanted virilizing effects.  Even taking in much lower doses compared to men use, the likelihood of facing such effects as body hair growth, voice deepening, and clitoris enlargement are still present.

It is quite hard for a women to even imagine such a picture, not even to accept that it may happens to her too. Despite of this, there are many women who succeed to build  great bodies, preserving their femininity. Of course, you ask how? Indeed this is simple.  Reading a lot about anabolic steroids, getting informed which steroids are the most androgenic and which one fit women use are just based steps to take before planning any steroids cycle. If you do it blindly, than the likelihood that you will end up failing is very high.

How to avoid virilization
Knowing which steroids are safe for you, and which ones to avoid is main criteria for staying away of any virilization effect. Bear in mind, that even taken �no virilization� steroids for women you are at risk to develop some of the unwanted side effects. This is because we are different, our bodies might have different reaction to the same drug. Thereby, is impossible and totally wrong to talk about a wonder steroid with �no virilization�, when there are still chances to occurs in someone. So, let�s stay realistics and do not idealize the use of steroids. After all, you take some risks every time using any other drug. But the sense of reality is what you have to follow all the time.

Here are four steps to take for avoiding virilizing effects:
-Choose steroids that present low or almost no virilizing properties. Usually, the more powerful is the steroid, the less suited is for women use. Thus, mild anabolic steroids are the first choice for women.
-Interrupt the steroids use if you body begin to develop virilizing effects. Carefully watching your body while running a steroids cycle is tremendous for safe use. Listen to first signs your body display to you and take a timeout if you are not  happy with what you get if the smartest decision to take for you. Allow you more time for understanding what you did wrong, change the steroid or doses to stay safe next time. The good news with steroids use, is that any side effect disappear once you cease their use. So,  just stop using them if you notice something bad, and your body will begin to return to its previous functions.
-Use steroids in low doses. People think that taking higher doses lead to bigger gains. It is a big mistake, that undoubtedly end up with a range of dangerous effects for your health. Begin with lower doses, and stick to them during the all course. Over time, once you gain some experience with steroids use, and checked your body reaction to it, you can go with higher doses with no damage for your health.
-Short steroid cycle. A six weeks cycling is maximum you can follow to get great results and stay safe. More longer cycles automatically increases the risks of developing virilization side effects and not only.
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Senin, 08 Desember 2014

Best post steroid cycle products

Best post steroid cycle products. What they are?

    - Sometimes identified as anti estrogen drugs, the drugs do not only help minimize the side effects while on a steroid cycle but also in post steroid cycle therapy.
    - The drugs can be used to reduce the estrogenic activity or the level of estrogen in the body.
    - The aromatase inhibitors are activated to inhibit the aromatase enzyme that converts androgens into estrogens by a process called aromatization.

Importance of post cycle therapy:

This could just be the most important part of your steroid cycle as you work towards maintaining the hard gained muscle through the best Post steroid cycle activities that should be both safely and effectively beneficial to you.

Types of post cycle products

Unlike 10-15 years back where there were little but expensive products to assist with the post steroid cycle, the advance in technology has allowed for a better playing field as users are now able to buy and choose from a range of products. Some of the products that are well known are:

    - Arimidex which is chemically known as Anastrozole
    - Clomid which is known as Clomiphane Citrate
    - Femara which is known as Letrozole
    - HCG which stands for Human Chorionic Gonadrotrophin
    - Nolvadex which stands for Tamoxifen Citrate

With these helpful drugs, there is no point in being ripped for only halfway through the year as you turn out to become the exact opposite of what your body was during the cycle.

Clomiphene (Clomid: common name)Best products for PCT are:

    - Clomid is the general title for (Clomiphene citrate).
    - It is also a synthetic estrogen. Medically, this is referred to help low fecundity females in their ovulation period.
    - Clomid actually works by stimulating the hypothalamus which in turn stimulates the anterior pituitary gland. This stimulation results in release of the gonadotrophic hormones. These hormones are known as follicle stimulating hormones (abbreviated as FSH) as well as the luteinizing hormone (abbreviated as LH) where the FSH is used to stimulate the testes for more testosterone production and LH works to stimulate the secretion of testosterone.
    - It also functions against estrogen to minimize the harmful effects such as gynecomastia as well as water maintenance/retention which could be a consequence of the aromatized estrogen from testosterone.
    - It does not function as stimulating the discharge of normal testosterone but reduces the estrogen hang-up rooted by the steroid cycle.

The best time for taking Clomid depends on the cycle and type of steroids used as there are different steroids which have different half lives which is the time a substance disappears from the blood system.

At first day, when taking Clomid, one should use 300mg then 100mg for remaining 10 days and 50mg on the next 10 days.


    - A substitute to the Clomid, this product is actually a business title for the medicine Tamoxifen. Actually, the half life of the drug Nolvadex is comparatively long which gives the user a chance to administer one day daily dose. Administration starts according to outlined schedule as well as the period of this dosage is similar to Clomid.
    - For a normal mass cycle, the dosages will be taken in the following order:

100mg on day 1

60mg on the following 10 days

40mg: the dose of next following 10 days

A few of the users who take both Clomid as well as Nolvadex during their PCT where dosages may be administered as:

- Day 1:

Clomid 200miligram + Nolvadex 40miligram

- Following 10 Days:

Clomid 50miligram + Nolvadex 20miligram

-Again following 10 days:

Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg

 These examples do not imitate a standard dosage as adjustments can be done depending on what is needed as the end result.

The use of HCG

    - Being one of the nearly everyone misused and misunderstood substances in bodybuilding; the substance is a short form for a Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin plus it is net anything close to being a steroid. Instead it is a natural hormone that is developed in pregnancy period in the placenta of women.
    - In the human male body, it acts like the LH where the Leydig cells in the testes are enthused to generate hormone (testosterone).
    - It is used during mass steroid phases just to keep up testicular size and the condition of the testicle. It is also used to bring back emaciated testicles reverse to their actual state. This is a preparatory measure for post steroid therapy as shrunken testicles generate abridged levels of normal hormone (testosterone).

HCG administration

    - This is a common practice amongst body builders who believe that using the substance may aid in recovering the normal level of testosterone, but this is a theory that is unsubstantiated as well as counterproductive.
    - It is the most excellent used for the duration of a cycle to:
        * Avoid testicular shrinking, and also
        * To set right the predicament of existing testicular atrophy.

For the dosage of HCG, smaller and frequent doses for a period of a cycle gives the most excellent on the whole consequences along with the slightest chances of unwanted harmful effects where for about 2 weeks one should consume between 500IU to 1000IU daily
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Senin, 01 Desember 2014

Post Cycle Therapy for Female Steroid Users

Even men are the most popular users of steroids, women also tend to use them, especially those women who are professional bodybuilders. There are more men than women in this sport so almost every research is based on men�s organism. But consequences that steroids can produce in a female body are bigger and more significant that one�s appearing with men. But, women, just like men, use steroids to gain body mass and strength faster than they would get it without using steroids.

How are steroids used?
Steroids are not used constantly, there are periods of usage and periods of resting. Your doctor should decide how long periods will be and how high dose you will take. There are no universal rules because there are no two same persons. One cycle can be 6-12 weeks long and it considers that you take steroids every day during those weeks. After each cycle you must make a brake, so your body won�t get used to steroids.

What is PCT (post cycle therapy)?
Post cycle therapy is something that started to be usual practice just recently. It�s very important not to avoid it if you are using or planning to use anabolic steroids. PCT is used to help you preserve effects you gained during the steroid usage period. Steroids have big effect on our endocrine system and it�s important to help him recover from such a big shock. When you suddenly stop using steroids your body will be in some sort of shock. In medicine it�s called hormonal crash or post cycle crash. PCT is different for a man and a woman.

PCT for women
There are so many post cycle therapies and so many people take it on their own, without knowing consequences they can have in the end. If you take PCT without consulting your doctor, you can make more damage than good to your organism.

With women it�s really important to determine their age and stage of life. Pre-menopausal females who have used anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) can gradually decrease amount they are taking as they come close to end of a cycle. Because steroids affect hormones, the best way that shows to a woman that her treatment is going well is her period return. Anabolic-androgenic steroids cause some kind of menopausal side-effects. It�s recommended to decrease AAS use until period appears. Also, women can do blood tests to see if her hormone levels are getting back to normal.

What PCT is not recommended for women?
Highly inadvisable post cycle treatment for women is SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulators) or ALS (aromatize inhibitors). These two kinds of treatments cause intense menopausal symptoms, so even very young women can face with that problem. They are literally pushing women into menopause. And menopause symptoms are really hard and strenuous even for women who naturally experience it. With men this is different, but women should avoid this kind of post cycle therapy.

SERM medications like Nolvadex and Armidex sometimes are use in breast cancer curing, so they have really large and massive effect on female body. A woman shouldn�t expose herself to so strong medications if she doesn�t have to.

What PCT women can use?
HPGA and HPTA are highly recommended for post cycle therapy for women. HPTA is the hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis and affects brain and helps your endocrine system to control production of testosterone, the male hormone. How your body will react of this treatment depends on:

    individual characteristics;
    anabolic-androgen steroids that you used;
    how long your cycle lasted.

Today everybody can find different types of recommendations for post cycle therapy on the internet, but you shouldn�t listen to them all. Many of those treatments are written for male users and that not even indicated in the text. It�s important to see how wrong post cycle therapy can have harmful consequences in a female organism and go and consult a doctor before deciding to apply some therapy on yourself.
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Jumat, 21 November 2014

Trenbolone Side Effects: Night Sweats And Reduced Cardio Capacity

Although there are people who take Trenbolone and have no side effects at all, there are others who use it and face unpleasant side effects, such as extreme night sweats. Although those who suffer of such side effects consider the results worth it, despite the unpleasant, extreme sweats, they were still wondering whether these issues are normal or not. Also, those people facing such issues were wondering whether they will always suffer of these side effects or not.

The trenbolone users have complaint many times about its side effects, which mainly included less cardiac as well as night sweats. However, these are not generally met effects, which mean that not every user of trenbolone has them, although there are many who accused such side effects in their case.

The cardiovascular problem is mainly associated with eminent hematocrit. This happens in some of the cases of trenbolone users who accused this issue as a result of their trenbolone use. As it has already been established, athletes who participated in utmost level of viable cycling have sought great hematocrit stages. The high levels of hematocrit helped them by sustaining the bigger power productivity, which means they developed a better cardio performance.

Further explanation
However, this cardio performance due to the high levels of hematocrit is not a universal regulation. This can also cause higher blood viscosity or greater blood thickness, when it comes along with:

- Higher oxygen transporting capacity

- Higher hematocrit

Other examples
It has been established that even if the hematocrit levels remain in the usual limits, according to one study, the aerobic ability of some athletes can be better with mid-range otherwise low-midrange hematocrit levels, rather than with the high-usual hematocrit values.

It is possible that during an anabolic steroid cycle, the hematocrit level goes drastically above the normal range. As far as the anabolic steroid user observes a negative side effect of this drug, it is recommended that he checks the hematocrit level, as this may be the cause that determines the apparition of such side effects. If the hematocrit level is around 53 or even higher, then it is highly recommended that the user discontinues the use of anabolic steroid for the moment.

Other problems
However, in the case the hematocrit level is in the normal range, there is no answer to explain the lessen cardiac capacity. In such case, there were people claiming that lung pain could be one of the factors that determine this reduced cardio capacity. For this cause, however, it is needed to consult further medical evidence, as this is not one of the known causes by users of trenbolone.

Dosage limitation
In order to avoid or deal with this cardio issue that might be caused by the use of trenbolone, some users get to limit their dosage of trenbolone for 50mg/day instead of 75mg/day or 100mg/day. The Trenbolone is an effective steroid, so that 50mg/day of trenbolone offers amazing effects as a fraction of a steroid stack.

About night sweats
As for the problem regarding the night sweats, there is no explanation, as it seems to only strike randomly, which means that not every trenbolone user suffers from this side effect. It also depends in the case of the similar person, as it might occur in some cycles, while it may not occur in others. The only recommendation that can help avoid the night sweats as much as possible is to get the room as cool as it is possible. Also, the user who faces this issue, may also use beach towels in order to sop up the sweat.
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Selasa, 04 November 2014

Best anabolics and anti-estrogens for fat loss

Losing fat is a common goal for most of bodybuilders. For this purpose many of steroid users look for the anabolics with best fat burning features and anti-estrogens that helps to keep water retention and bloating low or even inexistent.

A general tendency is to divide steroids into two categories: bulking and cutting anabolics. An inaccurate approach as none of steroids is labeled as serving just one purpose. Indeed, some of them can be better of cutting, while others excel at packing one muscle mass. But in the final, with the proper manipulation any of them can be used for more than one goal.

�Manipulations� suppose diet, workout routine which accompanies the steroid cycle. Or without a diet/workout that support your fat burning goal no or minimal results will be achieved.  Losing fat is a lot about diet, cardio and then steroids. Try to get leaner without steroids, but if you decide to use � make it wisely.

Dosing is also relevant for to attaining one or another goal. Bulking and cutting dosing of the same steroid is different and has to be set accordingly to the way you want to look in the final of cycling. Usually, for cutting purpose a higher dose is recommended. The higher is the dosage, the more ICF-hormone is released and a more powerful fat burning process is triggered.

It is a well known fact that body burns more calories to keep muscle mass than fat. That�s why when being when a calorie deficit body begins to pull energy from fat deposits. The more muscular you are, the faster you burn fat and viceversa.

Low-aromatization steroids for getting shredded

Not all steroids have low estrogenic activity. The more androgenic it is, the greater estrogenic activities it shows. Body is able to assimilate a certain amount of testosterone. With chemicals this threshold goes pretty high, so that anything above this level may be turned into estrogen. The process is called aromatase and especially occurs if you are already susceptible to this.

High estrogens cause water retention and slow rate of fat burning. In order to prevent this use of anti-estrogen is necessary. But about anti-estrogens we will talk later. Now let�s concentrate our attention on steroids for fat loss.

Top 4 non-aromatazing steroids are:





This list can be completed with:




Have to be mentioned that these steroids may aromatase if you are genetically predisposed to higher estrogenic activity.

Being sensitive to estrogenic side effects limits you in using anbolics that do aromatase. All other people can use aromatase steroids with less or almost no negative impact on their health. Of course with condition that minimal dosage of anti-estrogens is taken.


This is a powerful steroid with no estrogenic activity and water retention side effects. It�s great for keeping on muscle mass and strength while dosage is moderate-200 mg weekly. If there is a �best cutting steroids� then surely this is about Trenbolone.

All forms of Tren are efficient in burning fat; however Tren-A or Trenbolone-Acetate have been actively recognized as the most effective.


Has good fat burning action with low estrogenic activity.  EQ cause a high nitrogen activity so that even in a calorie deficit an increase of muscle mass will be registered.

A 400mg per week of EQ is a safe dose, allowing reaching a shredded look within weeks of usage.


If you want a safe fat burning steroid then Anavar has to be your choice. Free of any side effects, Anavar helps to retain strength, and hence muscle mass. Especially good it is for burning abdominal fat. It also raises the good cholesterol in the body and lowers the bad one.

A 20-30 mg of Anavar per day is required to burn fat. It is not a low dosage, but the real problem is that Anavar is more difficult to find.


This is another oral quite effective in burning fat. It speeds up metabolism and enhances body�s ability to retain muscle mass and strength. For more details about Winstrol effects in fat burning read our post �How effective is Winstrol for burning fat�.

Anti-estrogens to use when juicing

At least two anti-estrogens have to be taken even you are not prone to estrogen and water retention. Proviron and Arimidex or Provirion with Nolvadex if you are estrogen sensitive. The general idea is that you cannot take fat loss steroids without anti-estrogens even you are not susceptible.

The most important with fat loss steroids is responsible use. As long as you respecting proper dosage and use antiestrogens you are on the way to your perfect body. This post is informative. Please consult a specialist before getting involved in steroids use.
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Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Masteron or Drostonolone Propionate

Masteron is also known, as drostonolone and  is relatively rare in the United States. Though it is well known to the Europeans. The production of Masteron was never of a large quantity and it was never before marketed in the United States.

Masteron History:

Masteron (drostonolone propionate) for 20 years prior was used for inoperable postmenopausal breast cancer in women, then later as a cutting agent used by bodybuilders, which where it is now enjoying its popularity.

What it is:

Drostonolone propionate is a DHT (dihydrotestosteronethe) a derived anabolic ( abiological process of making more complex living organisms from simpler ones) Drostonolone has been altered by the addition of a methyl group. This addition prevents the hormone from a metabolic breakdown by 3 skeletal muscle properties ofHydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzymes.

It also increases the anabolic nature of the hormone as well as the attachment of proplonate ester to control the release time. Masteron is unaffected by the aromatase and 5alpha reductase � enzyme and thereby leaves no estrogen issues, particularly with the increase or lessening of estrogen in the skin and prostrate.

The true effects of Masteron will be best seen in a lean person, during the cutting cycle. This is why Masteron is generally in use at the end of the bodybuilding prep. It is expected that the bodybuilder will at this point be extremely lean.

A benefit when using Masteron, is its influence on anti-estrogen is when using in moderate doses of aromatizing steroids and not with typical doses of Masteron, there is no competition between the estradiol at the estrogen receptor and the receptor is not activated by the Masteron.

However, by competing with the testosterone for the �binding site� of the aromatase enzyme the conversion is indeed reduced.

It would be wrong to leave this the only reason as to what makes Masteron good. Masteron is low in side effectsas an anabolic steroid. At one point it was considered a weak steroid however, it has since been recognized as an anabolic of standard potency.

Masteron provides more of an aesthetically pleasing enhancement. Meaning that it does not provide strength, performance or size.

Why the doubt of potency:

If a low dose is used weekly as would occur with most anabolic steroids this product does not perform well.

The general concentration of Masteron that is given is that of 350 mg per week as provided. In some cases smaller doses are given. 700 mg. per week provides a more satisfactory performance.

However, a major problem with this dose is the availability and the cost of the product.


Dosages are based on a number of factors, for the body builder dosage once becoming lean the dosage can be as high as 1000 mg. per week. However, this dosage is not recommended for those who have health problems such as lipid issues or blood pressure problems.

The dosage of 1000 mg. per week is only recommended for those on a 1 � 2 week cycle.

� The traditional cycle ranges from 1 � 12 weeks long. It is a combination of enanthate testosterone at 300 � 500 mg. per week
� Masteron (Drostonolone Enanthate a Masteron variant) at 400 mg. per week.

This variant is used for the beginner due to several reasons;
� Combines perfectly with the enanthate testosterone
� Compensates for the infrequent scheduling of injections
� The testosterone is used in the body building dosages in this case.
� This dose of Masteron will provide the user with familiarity of his reactions to Masteron.

Because of the aromatase inhibitor in Masteron, it should be unnecessary to use an addition aromatase inhibitor. Masteron is not as strong as such inhibitors as aromasin or arimidex but, should the stacking of aromatizable become too large, the aromatase effect of Masteron will be unable to handle it.

Gynecomastia has been a reported effect during a cycle using Masteron along with such aromatizable compounds such as Dianabol and Testosterone.
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Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

What is the Ideal Steroid Dosage to Maximize Fat Loss?

How high a dose of anabolic steroids needed for good acceleration of fat loss?

Even the 500 mg/week dosage level, as a total of all the steroids used in the stack, is sufficient for substantial improvement in fat loss compared to the natural state. There�s some further improvement as the dosage increases to about the 1000 mg/week level.

In a few cases there have been remarkable results with quite low dosages, such as 250 mg/week testosterone or even 9 mg/day Dianabol (as odd as that number is, the specific case really was that amount.) However, that�s unusual, and appears to be correlated with the individuals having somewhat low natural testosterone. Generally, 500 mg/week is a reasonable minimum for a fat-loss steroid cycle.

Whether to lose fat first and then gain muscle, or do it the other way around, will depend on the case. A simple rule of thumb though is to accomplish the personally-easier task first.

For example, if you know you can drop 10 lb of fat relatively easily but adding 10 lb of muscle will be a challenge, then by all means lose the fat in the first few weeks of the cycle, preferably with quite high volume training. Your body will then be in a highly responsive state for muscle gain in the following weeks, due both to the previous high volume training and due to a homeostatic tendency to return to previous weight, in this case with muscle gain. More importantly than any reason why, this simply has been found to work very well.

Or if on the other hand if you find it hard to get much leaner than your present condition but you know you can add the planned amount of muscle in a matter of weeks, then add the muscle first. This will aid in the following fat loss, both because the added muscle increases metabolic rate, and again because of a homeostatic tendency to return to accustomed weight, in this case with fat loss. And again, regardless of reason, this too works very well in practice.

Gaining muscle while losing fat simultaneously can be done, but generally isn�t the optimal approach. Being a possible unintended outcome in some training scenarios, where very intensive programs with intent of maximum strength gains might result in some fat loss despite best efforts at sufficient eating. But as a deliberate plan, most times wouldn�t aim to accomplish both fat loss and muscle gain at the same time in a steroid cycle.
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Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

How to Use Proviron with Steroid Cycles and PCT

How to use Proviron (mesterolone) during steroid cycles, during PCT (post-cycle therapy), and between cycles?

Proviron has no use for anabolic or recovery purposes. It does not aid in building muscle and does not aid in recovering LH production or testosterone production.

It�s an odd fact that it doesn�t aid in building muscle. It�s the only compound of which activates the androgen receptor yet is valueless in this regard. The reason probably is metabolic deactivation in muscle tissue.

What�s not odd is that it�s valueless for helping recovery of natural LH or of testosterone production. No anabolic steroid is able to provide assistance in these regards: instead their effect is generally inhibitory.

There�s disagreement as to whether Proviron simply doesn�t help recover natural hormone levels or whether it actually impedes recovery.

Its effect on LH is difficult to determine because any effect it may have on LH is at most moderate, but LH levels always vary greatly from moment-to-moment. So, if a measurement is a little lower when Proviron is used, is it because Proviron lowered LH, or because the blood draw happened to be at a trough value between blood peaks?

This is quite difficult to determine. One study about 40 or more years ago detected an inhibitory effect on LH levels from 50 mg Proviron per day. The reduction was statistically significant, but levels still averaged in the normal range. On the other hand, a number of scientific studies since have been unable to detect effect of Proviron on LH to statistical significance.

While that probably sounds like a contradiction, not detecting effect to statistical significance is different from detecting that there is no effect.

Unfortunately, authors typically write that there �was� no effect rather than put the matter accurately.

It�s fair to say from the total body of scientific evidence that any inhibitory effect of Proviron on LH production is at most modest. When fully recovered from a cycle, any inhibitory effect from occasional use is of no importance.

During PCT however, was found that Proviron use makes a noticeable adverse difference on recovery.

Proviron formerly had some use during cycles as a weak anti-estrogen, but today, using an anti-aromatase is a much better approach.

Where Proviron can provide a use is in the feeling of having good androgen levels, and in enhancing erectile performance in some instances. In terms of physical appearance, sometimes it can enhance apparent hardness or vascularity.

It�s fine to use Proviron occasionally between cycles, if enjoying its use for any reason. There�s no exact needed dose, but for example 50 mg is a typical dose to take occasionally. There�s no harm to taking amount such as 100 or 150 mg, but there�s not necessarily further benefit from the larger dose.
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Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014

Anabolic Steroids Cycles for a Basic Training Program

Want to accelerate results with steroid use? What sort of cycles go best?

An obvious advantage of 8-week cycles is that there will be a lot of gratification acquired quickly. If we compared with 2-week on, 4-week off cycles, it would typically take 14 weeks to get results similar to what could be achieved in 8 weeks straight.

But on the other hand, with the two-week cycles, progress would continue straight on from there, whereas with the eight-week cycles, there will be a 16 week gap before being able to continue again! This is if making an equal comparison where steroids are being used 1/3 of the time, where there are two �off� weeks to each week of use. It also works the same way in any equal comparison.

So which is �better� is not so obvious as at first glance. Your choice will depend on personal preference.

However, in general the two week cycles are very suited to basic progressive training, where there is no real pattern to training weeks. This is because such a program is really helped by the shorter �off� periods, and there�s very good carryover from the gains of the �on� weeks to the �off� weeks.

If taking the advice on 2-week cycles, I would however suggest putting at least a little bit of pattern onto the training weeks though. The �on� weeks should preferably be with relatively heavier weight, such as allowing only 5-8 reps, and training volume should be say 30% greater than in most of the �off� weeks.

If choosing the 8-week cycle route, the increased volume consideration would still apply. Your training during �off� weeks could still remain similar, but the optimal training volume will be less than while assisted.
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Selasa, 30 September 2014

Women on Steroids Myth and Truth

Women on steroids, to many those three little words sound ridiculous; for many the idea of women on steroids is nothing short of a disaster waiting to happen. However, when it comes to anabolic androgenic steroids we have a topic that is one of the most highly misunderstood and quite often spoken of in a highly disapproving light regardless of who such a discussion pertains to and in that light more often than not inaccurate assumptions are made of a highly inaccurate nature. Many will indeed be surprised to learn women do in-fact supplement with anabolic steroids; sure, we�re all familiar with those who do so of a highly extreme end, those who have sacrificed all femininity for mounds of muscle but the reality does not stop there.

Year after year, every single day many women supplement with anabolic steroids; many of the women highly admired for their beauty who possess a fit and healthy look supplement quite regularly; we�re not speaking of a small number, in-fact we�re speaking of a fairly large number. Many female athletes from all walks of like regularly take part in the anabolic game and for good reason, it works but it remains this is a fact most are not willing to accept. Make no mistake, women on steroids pales in comparison to men who supplement with anabolic hormones but the numbers of female users far extends past what most understand.

There is no doubt about it, anabolic androgenic steroid use can be very damaging to a female but when a woman is educated on the matter and responsible use is implored use can be very successful. For women on steroids the biggest risk is virilization by-which masculine traits are brought forth. For any female this is a horrific end as a large part of our personal identity is connected to our sex and the attributes associated with it; however, this horrific end can largely be avoided.

For years many myths and legends have existed regarding anabolic androgenic steroids and the use thereof but it�s important to remember myths and legends are just that, myths and legends, meaning they are absent of truth. While some of these myths may hold some truth to them in-part unless the full truth is explained the rest of the assumption is either a lie or simple ignorance. Such assumptions can be seen on a host of message boards that deal in the topic of anabolic androgenic steroids; for years many have gone to such message boards to obtain anabolic information and while there is good information on many of them there are often just as many half-truths and inaccurate assumptions. We have taken some of the most common myths and outright lies from some of the most popular message boards on the internet that deal in such discussion regarding women on steroids and left you with only the truth. While you�ll find there is still much more to learn hopefully you�ll find this to not only be an interesting starting point but one that urges you to seek the truth.

Myth: Masculine traits will occur in women on steroids and it�s largely unavoidable.
Truth: While many anabolic androgenic steroids will produce such an effect there are certain steroids that can be used both effectively and safely without such an effect occurring. Most notably is the steroid Oxandrolone or as it is more commonly known Anavar. Most women will find Anavar to not only be highly effective but to possess little to no side-effects whatsoever. Women on steroids who make Anavar a stable part of their plan will find they build a leaner and tighter physique that still possesses all the femininity they began with.

Myth: Women on steroids will gain massive amounts of weight and turn into gigantic piles of muscle.
Truth: For some women such an end is desired and if so then absolutely, it can be obtained. However, anabolic steroid use will not by itself produce this end in a woman any more than it will for a man. This is a common misconception regarding anabolic steroids as a whole but one that is often used to scare women away. In order to be big you have to eat big; steroids or not this is an inescapable fact. Women on steroids who do not follow a mass gaining diet will not blowup into behemoths by any stretch; sure, they may indeed possess more lean muscle tissue but lean muscle tissue is a good thing. Lean tissue not only lends to a healthier body but one that is more appealing; the amounts of such tissue will be highly regulated by the amounts of food you take in but the doses of the steroids will also play a role. Women who are looking for a nice athletic boost in-terms of function or appearance can reach this end through steroid use and take it as far as they want from very slight to very extreme and everywhere in-between.

Myth: Most of the women on steroids are competitive bodybuilders.
Truth: Most of the women on steroids are not competitive bodybuilders at all; however, physique sports do make up a large portion of the total users. Many and by many we mean a whole lot of figure, fitness and bikini competitors of the physique world supplement with anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. Such use however by no means ends with physique competition but stretches to non-competitive fitness models to many of the celebrities the world loves and adores to some of the women you find attractive at your local super market who simply enjoy working out. There is a very good reason many women are able to hold onto a more youthful appeal and maintain a more well-rounded healthy look in far greater numbers and for far longer extended periods of time and it�s not some magical machine they step into; it is undisputedly performance enhancing drugs and anabolic steroids make up a large portion of this group.
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Selasa, 23 September 2014

Anavar for Women

As the bird is to the sky, as the dog is to the bone, as up is to down, so is the relationship between Anavar and women. In the world of anabolic steroids, as testosterone is for men, so is Anavar for women, as it is the primary anabolic steroid for all female use. Unlike the vast majority of anabolic steroids, the Oxandrolone hormone that is Anavar can be used very safely without virilizing effects. Make no mistake, virilization symptoms can occur, but the odds are in your favor. With responsible use, Anavar for women can make all the difference in the world. It can be the difference between a poor finish and a win in a physique contest; it can be the difference in getting the modeling contract you want or looking at the magazines from the other side, and more importantly, it can be the difference between being confident with yourself or feeling like a fat out of shape slob.

Regardless of your goals, building new mass, leaning out just a little or becoming ripped to the bone, the Oxandrolone hormone has something for every woman. Of course, you're going to need to know how to use it if you are to maximize your results; not to mention remain safe. Before we begin understand this truth; with responsible use, you will be safe, but as we are all unique individuals, even with responsible use some will have problems. This applies to all things we put in our body. Most of us can take Aspirin if we take the proper amount; if we take too much we get sick. Then there are a few of us who can't take the first Aspirin pill without getting sick. This is crucial to remember, as we are all unique everything affects all of us a little differently. Nevertheless, with responsible use most women will be fine. If you supplement responsibly and you find you are one of the unlucky ones, as soon as symptoms begin to show discontinue use immediately. If you do so, the symptoms will fade away quickly. If you ignore them, the phrase Anavar for Women� will become a permanent nightmare!

What can you expect? Anavar for women will do just about anything and everything a female athlete or gym rat could ever desire. It can promote muscle growth with a solid plan to promote it in place. Oxandrolone can significantly promote strength, as it is intrinsic to its nature. However, the greatest attribute it possesses revolves around leaning out.

Anavar will greatly preserve lean tissue when dieting as well as strength; this is welcomed for two reasons. First and foremost, tissue and strength are often lost when we diet, and while some may still be lost with Oxandrolone use, we will maintain more of it than we would without. Further, by maintaining mass, we ensure our metabolic rate is all it can be; the more muscle you carry, the more lean tissue, the greater your metabolism will fire. All-in-all, this means we burn more fat. Of course, and this is extremely important to physique athletes, or anyone looking for a fitness model type look; the Oxandrolone hormone will significantly harden your physique. How hard you get, will depend on how lean you get. Don't worry, if you don't want to be a granite statue you won't be, but if you do this is available and attainable, if you diet hard enough.
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Rabu, 17 September 2014

Steroid Stacks Myth and Truth

For any anabolic steroid user the search for the best steroid stacks is always high on the list and for good reason; the more efficient the stack the better the results. While there are numerous steroid stacks we can compile and some will be better suited for different purposes, in general most steroid stacks can work well for bulking or cutting; it�s often when we get into pure athletic performance that this will vary the most. However, regardless of the purpose of use there are universal truths and you better believe it, when it comes to steroid stacks there are a host of myths; let�s dispel a few and leave only truth.
Steroid Stacks Myths & Truth:

- Myth: Deca-Durabolin (Deca) and Equipoise (EQ) cannot and should not be run in the same cycle because they are virtually the same thing

-Truth: While in many cases there will be no need to use both Deca and EQ they are in no shape or form the same thing; these are two very different hormones. This idea that they were basically the same drug was originally started by the late great Dan Duchaine but even he would eventually recant. These two hormones serve various purposes, many unique unto their own. Many performance enhancers will use both at the same time; normally a low dose of Deca will be used to relieve joint pain while EQ will play a more primary role if both are used at the same time. However, for pure size Deca will always be a far better choice in in any of your steroid stacks.

- Myth: Some steroid stacks require no post cycle therapy (PCT.)

-Truth: While some stacks will be easier on our system than others, for the adult male a PCT should always be applied. No matter the anabolic steroids used in your cycle your natural testosterone production has been diminished. A proper PCT will not only promote your natural testosterone production but will further aid you in keeping the gains you made. More importantly, the sooner we can bring our natural testosterone levels back to normal the better we�ll feel. However, no matter how good your PCT plan is understand your natural testosterone levels will not be normal for some time; the PCT only helps, it does not completely restore. If you choose not to run a PCT you will only prolong the time before your testosterone levels return to a normal state; it does not matter what you�ve heard from this or that guy, it doesn�t matter how genetically gifted you may be; this is a universal truth.

-Myth: You shouldn�t stack cutting steroids with bulking steroids

-Truth: First and foremost, get the idea of cutting and bulking steroids out of your head; almost all anabolic steroids can be used for both purposes. Although some you will find better suited for certain purposes, many steroid stacks will have the same anabolic steroids in them regardless of the purpose. For example, the steroid Trenbolone, both in its Acetate or Enanthate form can be one of the most powerful steroids we can use and serves a great purpose in any bulking or cutting cycle. For the competitive bodybuilder never is this little trick truer; the drug Anadrol is often viewed as a bulking agent only in truth it can be used successfully for either purpose as is commonly done by a many competitors. Then there�s of course testosterone, the foundation of most any quality cycle. The list goes on and on but hopefully you get the idea.

-Myth: Steroid stacks made of underground gear are just as good as ones made of human grade gear.

-Truth: Due to their price and high availability underground steroids have always been of high popularity. While there are good underground brands this myth in a general sense could very well be the biggest of all. Make no mistake, human grade steroids will always be the cream of the crop, steroid stacks comprised of them will almost always yield better results and will further be the absolute safest stacks of all.
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Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014

Women Should Slow It Down To See Toned Muscle Results

A great way to challenge your workout and really get your muscles to bulk a bit is to spend more time on your actual movements. Instead of doing fast reps with small to medium weight to exhaustion try this technique: make your movements take 3-5 counts in both directions. For example, when doing a chest press work slowly to extend the arms. Once in extended position take the same amount of time to come down.

Talk about a quick burn and exhaustion! You are not only lifting the weight but you are taking gravity into more consideration. Just think how hard you have to concentrate on the movements to get a nice slow stable form. This really challenges the muscles and joints and makes those tiny tears necessary to build great definition!

Once too tired to lift any more reps take a quick break (no longer than 60 seconds and repeat). The shorter the break the better workout your muscles are going to get AND your heart rate will stay up to increase calorie burn. It takes about 3 minutes for muscle recovery therefore your rest should never be this long, the goal is to tire your muscles out after all. I recommend 30 second rest breaks.

Post workup refuel with a protein shake, a good cool down and lots of water!

Make your whole body workout follow this plan- legs, arms, backs, shoulders, abs, etc. Keep the movements smooth and controlled. With this slow plan you are also going to improve stability and help to strengthen the joints and connective tissue.

When doing squats using your butt muscles for control move slowly in position, a great addition is to stay in the squat for 5-10 seconds, or you can do bouncing squats for this time before slowly coming up. Back extensions, dead lifts, push ups everything gets slowed down.

You will notice that your reps will decrease significantly than if you were doing the medium to fast pace before. That is great, it means you are pushing yourself. If you are lifting an amount where you can still do 10 or more reps then you need to increase your weight. It is ok for women to increase their weights. Really push yourself because it is the only way results are going to pile on.

You can decrease your normal lifting weight by 10-20% just make sure to keep the pace slow!

DO NOT stop till you are unable to go farther!

Remember your body needs a rest so keep the workouts to every other day. Overloading the muscles can lead to injury and obviously if you are injured you are not going to be able to build the great toned and strong body you are going after. Plus the rest will really help to increase your metabolism and allow the results to come much faster.

Eat plenty of protein to assist in the muscle development. You can only build muscle if you have enough resources!

Try this workout for 30-40 days after which switch it up to avoid plateauing.
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Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

Testosterone in Women

Testosterone is largely known as the dominant male hormone however, as the dominant female hormone estrogen is also found in males testosterone in women is also a reality. Both sexes need testosterone, both sexes naturally produce the hormone, however, the production of testosterone in women is to a far lesser degree than in men. The majority of women only produce approximately one tenth of the amount produced by men and for this reason a common myth and misunderstanding is that women do not need the hormone; nothing could be further from the truth. While it is true, its imperative nature is far from the degree it resides men but it still has an important role to play for both sexes and it is testosterone in women and its effects we want to discuss today.
Testosterone in Women Positive Effects:

While testosterone in women can share some of the same positive effects it provides in men the larger and more important ones revolving around the female sex do not revolve around muscle performance to the same degree due to increased levels leading to many problems (we will discuss as we go along.) One of the primary roles testosterone in women plays is however one of its primary roles it plays in men and it revolves around libido. Women with insufficient testosterone production will find their libidos greatly decreased and in many cases a desire for sexual activity an idea from the past. Women who suffer from decreased libido issues are highly advised to seek out testosterone replacement therapy options in order to improve this aspect of their lives.

As greatly an effect testosterone can have on sexual desire the role of testosterone in women has two important factors that must not be ignored. Women who suffer from low or inadequate levels open themselves up to osteoporosis and depression to a far greater degree than women who have adequate levels. Testosterone when produced in proper amounts will greatly strengthen a womans bone structure and as women are far more prone to osteoporosis than men this is an invaluable trait. As it is imperative to bone health it is equally imperative to mental health as well. Adequate levels of testosterone in women will largely be responsible for their general well-being in-terms of their overall state of mind; therefore, women who suffer from low levels will greatly see their quality of life improved once therapy is implemented.

Increased Testosterone in Women:

While this hormone is important, when testosterone in women reaches excess levels a host of problems can be found and if you are a women you will find the most prominent ones to be nothing short of horrible. Excess levels of testosterone in women can greatly cause a host of masculine effects and largely take away from femininity. For those who have high levels common effects may include:

    Deepening of the Vocal Chords
    Facial Hair Growth
    Body Hair Growth
    Hair Loss (Baldness)
    Clitoral Enlargement

These possible effects brought on by increased levels of the hormone are effects most no woman would ever desire. While very few women will reach levels of a nature that can cause these symptoms naturally, the most common method is due to synthetic administration of testosterone.

Granted, as these problems can be far from desirable, testosterone in women can be increased beyond normal levels in-order to provide a means to reach a certain end and done so effectively and safely. As testosterone will promote muscle growth and preservation of existing tissue in men it will do the same in women. The difference here is the possible negative effects of such amounts; men do not have to worry about feminine effects if they take too much of the hormone. However if a woman desires to dramatically increase muscle mass, if they use very low doses of the hormone for far shorter durations than men, many times they can avoid these side-effects; however, just as many times they cannot. It is truly a role of the dice and impossible to predict. Most women who are looking for a solid performance enhancing boost are advised to stick to other anabolic steroids other than testosterone; most women will find steroids such as Anavar to be far safer and very effective.
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Senin, 04 Agustus 2014

When Does a Steroid Cycle Really End?

For anabolic steroid cycle planning, when it should be considered a cycle to have ended? At the end of the last week of steroids, or when the steroids have cleared?

Any system can be used if the thinking is consistent, but I prefer figuring cycle length according to how long anabolic steroid levels are suppressive.

For example, suppose someone is considering using testosterone cypionate at 2000 mg/week. Perhaps some may think it an unrealistic case, but depending on the individual case this amount may be entirely suitable. And suppose the user is health-conscious and wishes to have a quick recovery. This also can be realistic: many users at this level are quite careful in what they do.

This person knows that recovery after a well-planned 10 week cycle is usually fairly quick, and as cycles become longer than this, typically so do the recoveries. So a 10 week cycle is what he wants.

Well, figuring it as 10 weeks of injections, recovery would not go as he hoped!

Let�s make things simple and round the half-life of testosterone cypionate up to exactly one week, even though it�s probably a little shorter than this.

Then, at the end of week 11, his levels of injected testosterone would still be as high as if he�d been injecting testosterone at 1000 mg/week! Levels will be far too high to allow any recovery. And most likely, the reason he planned his cycle at 2000 mg/week is that he knows he wouldn�t achieve a new best at 1000 mg/week, let alone do so after peaking from 10 weeks at 2000 mg/week. So week 11 gives him neither further gains nor any recovery.

By the end of week 12, levels will still be as high as if he�d been injecting testosterone at 500 mg/week. Still no recovery, and with no further gains to show for it.

Even by the end of week 13, levels will be too high for recovery! Still another week would be lost.

Only by somewhere around week 14 could levels be low enough for recovery to even have a chance. But now, after this many weeks of inhibition, recovery will be slow or very slow for him.

This wasn�t what he was looking for. He�d have rather have had the quick recovery associated with only 10 weeks of inhibition, after having 10 weeks of strong gains.

But this situation is what can happen when figuring by weeks of injection rather than weeks of inhibition.

By planning according to weeks of inhibition, he�ll most likely have a fast recovery. He�d adjust the steroid cycle where transition will be fairly fast from the 2000 mg/week level to a level low enough to allow recovery, such as the 100-200 mg/week level.

This is done by taking advantage of short acting esters, suspension, and/or orals towards the end of the cycle, in place of long acting esters.
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Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

How Women's Fitness Differs From Men's

Women�s fitness differs from men's fitness like night differs from day. Therefore, achieving the fitness level desired requires a different approach. The main difference lies in the fact that men have an abundance of the male hormone testosterone, while women have an abundance of the female hormone estrogen.

Muscle Building

Men use weight training to put on muscle, but women can use weight training to tone and shape those muscles, add firmness and get tons of energy. Weight training for both men and women will help to develop a healthier heart with tougher connective tissue. Women will also benefit from protection against osteoporosis, which frequently becomes a problem post-menopause � something men do not have to worry about.


Metabolism is one way in which women differ from men in the fitness world. A man will burn more calories even when setting still than a woman will, so men lose weight with less exercise. Women have the upper hand over men when it comes to flexibility and stretching routines like Pilates and yoga.

Body Fat

Most men, when it comes to a vigorous workout, tend to work hard on the upper body, whereas women tend to work hard on the legs and buttocks. Women tend to have less muscle mass and more flexibility as compared to men, and hence have more body fat. Men, on the other hand, are less flexible because of their body structure and tend to have less fat.

Fitness Clothing

Something that might encourage women and men to get to the gym or out in the great outdoors is comfortable, flattering and long lasting men fitness clothes and women�s fitness clothes and shoes. Nice fitting clothes help a woman feel good and will keep you dry, relaxed and supported during the workouts. One way to put a stop to a good workout for either men or women is chafing, binding and pinching, so fitness clothes are a must have.


Women and men have very different fitness goals. A women�s fitness goal is to lose weight, a man�s fitness goal is to add more muscle mass. Men tend to think short-term; women tend to think long-term, even in the fitness world. Not only do women want to look good, but they also want to feel healthier.

After a hard day�s workout at the gym or in the great outdoors, settle down with your favorite fitness magazine. If you do not yet have one, go on line or to your local department or bookstore and find one. They will not only provide support and encouragement, they will also give you ideas for how you and your male workout partner can benefit from each other.
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Selasa, 22 Juli 2014

Differences Between Male and Female Anabolic Steroid Cycle Protocols

1. Testosterone is not necessary for use in female steroid cycles: The male physiological levels of endogenously manufactured Testosterone are not necessary for the survival or well-being of females. As mentioned prior, this is one of the several guidelines that can be circumvented by female users, and can essentially �get away with�, whereas men cannot. It should be common knowledge that the female body does not manufacture anywhere near the amount that the male human body does, and females therefore only require very minor amounts of Testosterone necessary for vital proper physiological function. Female endogenous production of Testosterone is approximately that of 1/10th of a male human body�s endogenous production. Testosterone in females is manufactured primarily by the adrenal glands, rather than the testes (organs that females do not possess).

It is not only unnecessary for females to utilize Testosterone but it is also in fact highly advised that female anabolic steroid users abstain from the use of Testosterone due to its very strong androgenic strength rating, which would provide pronounced virilization issues. However, there are female anabolic steroid users that do wish to engage in the use of stronger androgens such as Testosterone or Trenbolone, and this may be the result of the female not caring as to whether or not they experience virilization as a result. In such a case, it is a personal decision based upon personal values and goals. However, for the average female that does not wish to transform into a male, it is advised to stay away from the strong androgens such as Testosterone.

2. There is no post cycle therapy (PCT) required following a female steroid cycle. Once again, the purpose of a PCT is that of the restoration of natural function of endogenous Testosterone production and HPTA function in males. This is unnecessary in female anabolic steroid users. Females do not possess testicles, and therefore are not necessary for vital female physiological function. PCT as a result is unnecessary, whereas for male users it is absolutely vital for the proper restoration of endogenous natural hormonal function.

3. Cycle lengths must be kept very short so as to avoid virilization symptoms. Just as how female users should avoid very strong androgenic anabolic steroids, cycle lengths must not exceed particular lengths due to the fact that as duration of use increases, the potential and severity of virilization and masculinizing effects so too increases. Ideally, female steroid cycle lengths should be no longer than 4 weeks at a time. Should any female anabolic steroid users experience the beginnings of any virilization symptoms prior to the 4 week mark (cracking/deepening of the voice, growth of bodily/facial hair, etc.) all administration of anabolic steroids should be halted immediately.

4. Anabolic steroid stacks and combinations must be avoided at all costs unless absolutely necessary. This is mostly self-explanatory, as the combination and stacking of two or more anabolic steroids will result in a compounding of androgenic effects, leading to rapid onset of virilization, and more severe virilization symptoms. Unless absolutely necessary, such as the case of female competitive bodybuilders, stacking should be avoided at all costs unless deemed absolutely necessary.

5. While male anabolic steroid users must ensure proper time-off (break time, or time away from anabolic steroids) in between cycles that consists of time spent on the previous cycle and PCT length (for example, an 8 week cycle followed by a 4 week PCT would mean that time-off afterwards before the next cycle would be 3 � 4 months), females do not necessarily require this.  Female anabolic steroid users may be able to take shorter breaks and time-off in between cycles, although it is advised that at least 4 � 8 weeks of sufficient time off in between cycles is adequate to ensure proper normalization of the body�s internal systems following hormone augmentation that would result in the disruption of said systems. While males must ensure proper and adequate endogenous Testosterone and HPTA recovery, females do not need to be concerned with this.
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Kamis, 17 Juli 2014

Women and Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids have been around for more than 70 years. The predominant users of these steroids have been men but over the past 30 years, women have also started to abuse these drugs. In fact, it is widely believed that many female athletes from the Eastern bloc countries in the 70s and 80s were loaded with anabolic steroids during sporting events. In North America, use of anabolic steroids is common but not often reported. Since the screening has become more rigid, many women are discreet about their usage patterns.

It is estimated that about 7% of high school girls have tried anabolic steroids and this number increases slightly over time. In sports, the number of women who take anabolic steroids is not really known but is believed to be quite high. Many women now seem to be taking anabolic steroids at a younger age. Once the body is built they enter professional sports where they only need maintenance treatments to keep up their physique.

The Problem
All the available anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of the male sex hormone, testosterone.  These drugs posses both anabolic and androgenic properties. Men take anabolic steroids to build muscle. Females take anabolic steroids for many more reasons.

Like men, women use anabolic steroid to build their body and also be competitive in the field of sports. There is also one important fact which all females have to know- the side effects and complications of anabolic steroids are much worse in females than in males.

Availability of anabolic steroids

Over the years, countless anabolic steroids have been developed and many have been discontinued by the pharmaceutical companies. Today, the majority of anabolic steroids are available only for hospital use to treat certain medical disorders.

Anabolic steroids for personal use are only available through illegal means. Some women get their steroids from foreign countries like Mexico, Thailand, Europe or over the internet. In each and every case, the quality and purity of these illegally acquired anabolic steroids remains questionable. Plus, many of the illegally acquired anabolic steroids have contaminants and fake products are also common.

The most popular anabolic steroids used by women include:
    Depo testosterone

Most women usually start off with the low doses and generally take the drugs for a few months. Unlike men, the dose in women does not have to be high to produce the anabolic effects. When the dose is increased, many of the anabolic steroids have undesirable side effects which are not always reversible. Women who take these steroids see a noticeable effect in their body after about 3-4 weeks. The initial weight gain is usually from water retention and then the muscle mass build up follows. A female must exercise in order to build the body. Taking anabolic steroids without any formal exercise program only leads to obesity.

Most women who take anabolic steroids develop increased protein mass and reduced body fat. Women who have used anabolic steroids in the past claim that these drugs create a positive euphoria and increased awareness. Besides developing a sexy and trim body, these women also notice the obvious increase in strength. Unlike men, women experience a heightened sexual arousal when taking anabolic steroids.

Unlike men, the amount of anabolic steroid required to build the body is significantly much less in women. Women also tend to build the body faster then men. The key for all women who take anabolic steroids is to start low. The low doses mean fewer chances of side effects and minimal complications.
Side effects

Like all drugs, side effects also occur with anabolic steroids. The most common side effects seen in women who take these drugs include the following:

These side effects do not occur in all women nor do they all occur at the same time. Estimates indicate that about 1-5% of women suffer from some type of side effect. However, with long term use, a high proportion of women do develop mental issues which often never reverse. When the drugs are discontinued, unfortunately, not all the side effects are reversible.
Why women take anabolic steroids

Unlike men, women take anabolic steroids for several reasons. Some women have a body dysmorphic disorder- meaning they look at themselves in the mirror and are unhappy at what they see. Other women who take anabolic steroid to get bigger and stronger so that they can protect themselves. Others take the steroids to become competitive in sports.
Steroid abuse

The exact data on steroid abuse in women are unknown; every now and then a female athlete is caught with steroids in the body. Because of stringent screening criteria, the numbers of users are down but by no means eliminated. Many women take these steroids during the off season or while away on vacation.
Final point

Anabolic steroid use is common among women. Even though women are new to the body building scene they do know what it takes to build a body faster. There are some researchers who now indicate that women should abstain from use of anabolic steroids. Proper exercise and nutrition should be encouraged because the long term mental problems lead to disturbances in lifestyle.

Overall, most women who have taken steroids in the past now claim that the use of anabolic steroids never enhanced their competitive potential, but made a big difference in their sexuality.
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Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Side Effects of Steroids for Women

Steroids are synthetic versions of the hormone testosterone. Doctors prescribe steroids to treat medical conditions, such as delayed puberty and wasting diseases. Steroids are also used illegally for improved athletic abilities and physical appearance. Though steroid abuse was once popular primarily among bodybuilders, it has grown increasingly common among males and females of various walks of life, according to the United States Department of Justice. Steroids may cause numerous side effects in women.

Menstrual Abnormalities and Infertility
Male and female bodies produce testosterone. In women's bodies, testosterone is stored in the ovaries and other tissues throughout the reproductive system. Since steroids replicate testosterone, steroid use may trigger hormonal shifts. As a result, women may experience menstrual abnormalities my occur. Women may experience fewer periods, lighter or heavier menstrual flow, erratic periods or unusual premenstrual symptoms. If a woman stops menstruating , a condition called amenhorrea, it may indicate infertility--another potential side effect of steroid use according to the United States Department of Justice.

Masculine Effects
The term androgenic refers to changes males encounter during puberty. Due to the androgenic properties of steroids, women may experience side effects similar to symptoms males experience during pubescent years, such as a deeper voice and increased body or facial hair. According to the Mayo Clinic, steroid use may also cause unusual clitoris growth and baldness. Women's breasts may reduce in size and some effects, such as voice changes, may be permanent.

Emotional Effects
Steroids may also affect a woman's emotions. Potential emotional side effects include mood swings, mania, a false sense of invincibility, depression, anxiousness, irritability and hostility. Though emotional side effects of steroids can affect women and men, women may experience worsened moods during before menstruation. Women with history of mental illness, such as depression or anxiety, may risk relapses or greater need for psychological treatment. According to the Mayo Clinic, people may become dependent on steroids, resulting in heightened emotional problems during and after steroid use.

Physical Effects
In addition to appearance and menstrual changes, steroids may cause severe acne, water retention or bloating, liver disorders, sexual disorders and unhealthy cholesterol levels. High cholesterol caused by steroids may lead to cardiovascular conditions, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Taking steroids during pregnancy may negatively affect fetal development.
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Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

HGH � Human Growth Hormone

HGH is a naturally occurring hormone in the human body that is produced by the pituitary gland. A release of HGHRH and SST by the hypothalamus coincide with the amount of HGH released by the pituitary gland. HGH is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction/regeneration. Being a stress hormone, it also raises the concentration of glucose and free fatty acids and, most importantly, stimulates the production of IGF-1 from the liver. The peptide has shown the ability to increase the sizes of cells and the rate of cell mitosis.

Enhancement of macro/micro nutrient absorption has also been proven with the use of HGH; specifically the conversion of material into protein. In studies, it has been found that HGH also alters the rate in which carbohydrates and fats are utilized. Studies indicate that the use of carbohydrates is decreased while the use of fats are increased. It is believed that, partially, the advantage of HGH and fat loss comes from such a mechanism. HGH is secreted in rhythmic pulse while one is sleeping due to the melodic release of HGHRH and SST, which control the gateway to the release. HGH also carries with it the ability to stimulate the production of cartilage, though secondarily. When HGH is released, it also causes a release of IGF through the liver in response. IGF is known for its cartilage growth and reproductive properties.

In recent years, HGH has been popularized as a vitality drug. Many TRT companies are providing prescribed legal HGH to their clients to promote an anabolic and age defying synergy with their trt doses. Studies indicate that a very low dosage of HGH will be enough for fat burning properties to take effect. Technically, 2iu of HGH should be enough for even the larger bodybuilder to see fat burning properties, but the gold standard in the bodybuilding community has been a minimum of 4iu (broken into two doses a day) for fat burning and above 6iu for its anabolic properties. The duration of cycle has been popularized at 6 months, though you will start to see results in as little as two months. Many bodybuilders will stack HGH with steroids and other compounds to cause a profound anabolic and fat burning effect. The use of HGH, testosterone, insulin, IGF-1, and thyroid hormones have become a staple in any pro bodybuilder�s regimen for contest prep.   The use of HGH does not come without risk. Two of the biggest risks that a user should be worried about are the fact that HGH makes everything grow, including cancer cells and the use of anabolics with HGH has been shown to cause an enlarging of the heart (cardiomegaly) which can lead to many serious complications. Doctors supervision is always recommended when using any compound.

A fair warning to all who wish to purchase HGH. One can pay as much as 2 dollars for one single iu of HGH on the black market. With the legal market being about five times as expensive its easy to see why people may choose to go this route. HGH is very popular in the black market, and for that reason its also highly counterfeited. When trying to purchase HGH on the black market, make sure you are relying on a trustable source. As always, going the legal route is the route that everyone should take. But the reality of the situation is that people will buy black market. Make sure to check reviews, don�t get scammed.
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Selasa, 24 Juni 2014

Basic steroid cycle info for women

Important to remember, steroids BUILD muscle, and are not for fat loss purposes. If losing some extra pounds and toning up is your goal, then there are many products out there, geared to losing weight, besides the obvious of making a change in diet and your exercise routine.

Steroids should be considered when you have worked out for at least two years or more and are at your ideal body weight. Then any gains made by the steriod use, will be pure muscle, and your hard earned money will not be wasted.

A great beginner cycle for women is Anavar. Anavar is one of the mildest anabolics out there, with low androgenic activity. It is known to increase strength and add quality muscle. Any women fearing side effects should definitely stick to Anavar. At a low dose of 5 mg everyday, most women see no ill side effects. A typical cycle should run from 6-8 weeks.

Primobolan is another mild steroid. It does not convert into estrogen, which is a plus, if water retention is a worry for you. Most women respond well to a dosage of 50-100mg per week. A typical time frame to run this would be 8-10 weeks. Some side effects to watch out for include oily skin, acne and a possible increase in facial/body hair. Primobolan will give a slow, steady increase in strength and builds quality muscle.

Winstrol can be taken orally or be injected. Winstrol should not be used for a beginner�s cycle. Most women either love winny or they hate it. It is a favorable drug to be used in a cutting cycle, when your diet is good. Winstrol builds mass and gives awesome strength gains. Side effects can occur, and things to watch out for include deepening of voice, enlarged or sensitive clitoris, and acne. Women usually take 5-10mg daily. Keeping this dose low will decrease chances of unwanted side effects. It is usually wise to split the dose up during the day, to keep blood levels on an even base. With the injection, usually 25mg every 3rd or 4th day is a normal dosing. Run this cycle for 8 weeks. Remember to take milk thistle, because this steroid is stressful on the liver.

Deca is a popular steriod among female competitors. Even though it is only slightly androgenic, sometimes virilization can be expected. Keeping the doses low and monitoring for sides can nip these unwanted sides early. Sides will include excess facial/body hair; some women on the other hand report cases of losing hair. Once again, low dosing is key. Deca is not a fast builder of muscle, but slow, gradual gainer of muscle and strength. Women should start at around 50mg per week. If virilization is at all a concern, then possibly trying the shorter acting nadrolone Durabolin might be a option.

If you must dabble in testosterone, then Test Prop should be the choice; only because it is in and out of your system fast. So if any unwanted sides appeared, all that you need to do is stop using, and it will be cleared from your system fast. It�s good to spread the injections out, generally using 25mg to 50mg per injection, every 5 to 7 days. This cycle should exceed 8 weeks. Sides to look for include clitoral enlargement; excess facial/body hair; deepening of voice; oily skin; acne; and increase sexual libido (not a bad side, really ) It is very important to monitor your self closely while using test.

Women do not need to taper on their cycles of steroids; once the cycle is over, then just discontinue use (one good benefit of not having balls).

A lot of side effects brought on by anabolic steriod use is irreversible for women. Make sure you have researched and read personal testimonies before choosing your drug.
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Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

What are the Best Steroids for Women?

It may seem surprising but Anadrol (oxymetholone) is a good choice for women who wish to be conservative yet have very effective results.

Medically, you�d be astonished at the doses women and even girls have taken with very low virilization rates. So anyway, contrary to what intuition might suggest, Anadrol is not one of the riskier choices for women.

That aside, 15 mg/day of Anavar (oxandrolone) will be virilizing in quite a few cases. Probably about 5 mg/day of oxandrolone is comparable to 25 mg/day Anadrol (divided doses) for risk.

Primobolan up to 50 mg/week, divided injections, is a common and reasonable choice, but has some risk: not a particularly high rate though.

In the earlier parts of Denise Rutkowski�s career, he had her on 25 mg/day Anadrol. I ??? a secret, because he also published this. She obviously did very well with it and at that point she was not virilized at all.

The medical doses are pretty astonishing. The reason that 50 mg is the tablet size is because that�s the standard minimal medical dose, including for women and children! It used to be used extensively for improving red blood cell count.

You see some women developing hoarse voices and facial hair naturally with time, so there must be some women that are right on the edge. But generally speaking, this is a conservative dose, yet quite effective.

The mg amount that women can tolerate of Anadrol is markedly higher than any other anabolic steroid. However, that said, it�s also true that effect per mg is less, but not enough so to make up the safety difference IMO. I would put 25 mg/day Anadrol (in divided doses) up against 50 mg/week Primo any time for effectiveness and it�s at least equally conservative.

Another thing about Anadrol that�s remarkable is that other anabolic steroids are very easily disruptive of the menstrual cycle. Even dosages such as 2.5 mg oxandrolone 2x/day commonly raise issues. Anadrol however medically has shown often only moderate effect on the menstrual cycle at 50 mg/day, 25 mg/day only lightened and shortened the cycles slightly. Remarkably less disruptive.

As a rough rule of thumb: take a dosage that would be quite moderate for a man, nearly the minimum likely to be recommended that could still give reasonable results for a novice, then divide by 10 to have something that�s moderate but effective for a woman.

For each individual steroid, suggested mild-but-effective dosage range may differ from the above slightly, and of course the above also is only approximate because there will be diffferent opinions as to what would be moderate for a man. But if having nothing else to work with, if you see or are considering a dosage and want to do a quick �reality check,� the above can help. For example, say that someone is proposing EQ at 100 mg/week. Multiply by 10, and our comparison would be to 1000 mg/week of EQ for a man. That�s well above being a mild cycle. So we can see at a glance that this EQ dose is off, without having had to remember specific values for each steroid.

Returning to the stacks and in general to anabolic steroids other than Anadrol for women:

It couldn�t possibly be that some stacking method might give better ratio of muscle gain to side effects, but as to whether we know what that is, that�s another question entirely. The best understood uses are single-drug, and single-drug works fine. Primo or Anadrol are my top two choices for bodybuilding and fitness; oxandrolone is also acceptable but must be lower dosed than those two; for quality of life enhancement, very very low dose testosterone works fine.
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